Fuiren - Profile



LV 5


2019-03-08 เข้าร่วมแล้ว United States

ป้าย 12

Moments 566



The satisfied grin the man's face twisted into sent shivers down the spines of his subordinates as he nodded "Granted."

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Video Games · Rastislav


Good minor plot hook!

"72,732 fights..." Said the fat, blond bearded giant.

One Piece: Dream of Immortality

One Piece: Dream of Immortality

Anime & Comics · ScarletArboretum

Replied to lnsomniac_

Even better if just with odd grammar, like the kind that you have to re-read three times to get the right meaning but makes perfect sense, or writing that you keep reading a line, not understanding but a later sentence suddenly makes the last line make sense .

Cherry wrote several dozen pages detailing how each and every agent at Whiskey Peak MUST be a treacherous spy. It was a mess of petty grievances, asinine conspiracy theories, outright lies, and wholly unrelated tangents. Not to mention the terrible grammar, SO many spelling mistakes.

One Piece: Dream of Immortality

One Piece: Dream of Immortality

Anime & Comics · ScarletArboretum

Replied to DIMIE_21

This is a well and truly unique turn in power fantasies for me, and hilarious !

Ophis casting the demigod into Infinite Silence was incredible enough. But then Sean had scared him into UN-PISSING himself and dropped him directly into the Olympians' throne room where he would undoubtedly proceed to RE-PISS himself in front of his divine father and bastard gods. It was… beyond incredible. Hecate had no words.

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Anime & Comics · Daddy

Replied to Lutfi_Dasuki

It really takes a special evil antagonist for me to find enjoyment in ntr, but I would say that MC/ Harley ntr on Joker fits.

But even to Harley, the nonconsensual cuck didn't linger on her mind. He was just an accidental benefit to the venue they'd chosen. She would have thanked Didi and Gothboy just as readily without him. Within seconds, the Joker was forgotten, relegated to cuck status as the bastard deserved. Yet another portion of his legend DIED.

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Anime & Comics · Daddy

Replied to ZephurosStormheart

Wait, wouldn’t the hair color work still?

It was a bluff to try and preserve the orders prestige and like all good bluffs the only one aware of it was the elder that set it up to begin with. It was done in such a way as well that it was an extremely convincing one as well as even Dumbledore believed it. On the other side of the world however there was another man with two different colored eyes that had seen it with his own seer abilities and scoffed at it. That wasn't to say Grindelwald couldn't appreciate the depth of the bluff merely that he knew how pointless it was.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

Replied to Scorp_Claw

Or siblings? Kekeke

"Hmph, even then, how could he do that to my Himani?" Hamura said and mumbled.

Naruto: Back in Ancient Times

Naruto: Back in Ancient Times

Anime & Comics · Josh_Richie

Replied to Beatupdreamer34

He just isn’t thinking with portals yet lol.

With this, he will never forget my existence and I could somehow control what he will be doing in the future without interfering in the plot too much.

Naruto: Back in Ancient Times

Naruto: Back in Ancient Times

Anime & Comics · Josh_Richie

Replied to Isolated_Smaug

Oh $&!1…

The world, or as I would like to call it, [Shadow Dimension] was void of any creatures. Though there were mountains and stuff like that here. I wonder how that got here.

Naruto: Back in Ancient Times

Naruto: Back in Ancient Times

Anime & Comics · Josh_Richie

Replied to JorgeFFC

He has dremora from his realm as well, which may work to some extent? Perhaps he will make some spiritual climate in his realm to allow the creation of the needed spirits? (He can refine souls to spirit energy, and has shown himself capable of modifying souls directly) books by Urahara? How expensive would those be on the system?

In the best case the world would accept this new change and those type of souls would start appearing naturally which would cause HUGE problems for literally everyone. According to the information that came with the style these souls all had the potential to grow to the point of unleashing nuke levels of destructive force via either training or just surviving and consuming enough. The worse case scenario was that the world itself directly rejects the interference and smites Nick for his attempt. This wasn't a simply harsh punishment either but the world directly trying to erase him.

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro


Needs some kind of substitute then

In the best case the world would accept this new change and those type of souls would start appearing naturally which would cause HUGE problems for literally everyone. According to the information that came with the style these souls all had the potential to grow to the point of unleashing nuke levels of destructive force via either training or just surviving and consuming enough. The worse case scenario was that the world itself directly rejects the interference and smites Nick for his attempt. This wasn't a simply harsh punishment either but the world directly trying to erase him.

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro


That is such a troll thing to do!

Bege's right hand man glared at her from across the table, even less pleased with the woman's presence than Bege himself. That may or may not have anything to do with the fact that Cherry had turned the tattoos on his face and hands upside down because they "look nicer this way~".

One Piece: Dream of Immortality

One Piece: Dream of Immortality

Anime & Comics · ScarletArboretum

Replied to Fuiren

Basically reiki rejuvenation

In little streams, some manner of energy flowed through the world. Though he could not see the people around him, he could see the way the energy interacted with them and was influenced by their hearts or souls or both. It was… beautiful.

One Piece: Dream of Immortality

One Piece: Dream of Immortality

Anime & Comics · ScarletArboretum

Replied to Ragnarok_144

She just threw around a whole bunch of celestial energy from her original body, and I would guess it’s multiplicative over time…

In little streams, some manner of energy flowed through the world. Though he could not see the people around him, he could see the way the energy interacted with them and was influenced by their hearts or souls or both. It was… beautiful.

One Piece: Dream of Immortality

One Piece: Dream of Immortality

Anime & Comics · ScarletArboretum

Replied to Chrono421

Da heck is that?

Luffy bit his arm and blew his arm up to epic proportions. "KING KONG-!"

One Piece: Dream of Immortality

One Piece: Dream of Immortality

Anime & Comics · ScarletArboretum


Oh $&!1, someone lit the dynamite stick called cherry now.

To Robin's horror, Sugar's ability took hold even though she hadn't touched her real arm. In a poof, a stuffed doll was left in the place Robin had been standing.

One Piece: Dream of Immortality

One Piece: Dream of Immortality

Anime & Comics · ScarletArboretum

Replied to GreenNight

IQ vs EQ .5 IQ, above average EQ

Borke quietly snuck away, not wanting to draw attention to himself.

One Piece: Dream of Immortality

One Piece: Dream of Immortality

Anime & Comics · ScarletArboretum
