2. No, keep it as a single pairing with just Hatsume.
Anime & Comics · GAF_00_TW
Pet snek
Yoru in control?
Isnt this Chiaroscuro on ff net?
Where did the egg for bagon come from?
Normally, Gardevoir would not have had much reaction upon seeing a Bagon. However, the other consciousness residing within its body was very interested in the Bagon.
Anime & Comics · bearnard_bear97
Who is Robert again?
Jesse and James btw
Unlike the three lackeys in black Team Rocket uniforms who were defeated by Yuga, this man wore the elite uniform that only distinguished Team Rocket members could wear. It was the same attire worn by Musashi and Kojirō in the original series.
Anime & Comics · bearnard_bear97
Denial is a river in egypt
What nonsense is this? He and Itachi are good brothers!
Anime & Comics · nyawdao2
[Mission failure: Marry in Women's Clothing. ]
Anime & Comics · nyawdao2
G>T change from canon lol
A fierce grin spread across that dark face, "That means if I kill you, I can become the new Captain. Kid, remember my name — the Ultimate Evil of Rukongai, Tosuke Kitanjō!"
Bleach: The Strongest Shinigami
Anime & Comics · MrBlackWing