2. High school D×D
Anime & Comics · MJ_0422
waiting for next chapter
Lord Shiva takes the role of a destroyer to maintain balance in all of existence. He is also responsible for recreation. He is more complex and paradoxical in nature. You can refer Shiv Puran to understand more about him.
And in a similar manner, all who have lived well will find their way to heaven. Yahweh wasn't just a god here, like Shiva, Odin, and the others—He was the creator.
Anime & Comics · Ink_Verse
is this novel going to continue? I hope it does
hello author are you going to continue with this work I'm still waiting for the chapters
Bro Bangladesh didn't exist back then it was Bengal a part of India
"Emperor Ram is a hero to the downtrodden," declared Ahmed, a farmer from rural Bangladesh, as he listened to reports of Ram's efforts to promote agricultural reform and empower small-scale farmers. "For too long, we have been at the mercy of corrupt politicians and greedy corporations. Now, finally, someone is fighting for us."
History · Learn_FasterThanMc
Guys, I started writing an authorial book and I would like you to support my creation, as I currently have a lot of free time, you could comment on the continuation of this fanfic if you want.
Anime & Comics · SharonMeuToba
something similar to unlimited blade works or the technique used buy enkidu to create all the weapons the is possessed by Gilgamesh
Anime & Comics · Josh_Richie
A small correction I wanted to make is that Pataal lok is actually described to be one of the most beautiful lokas to the point that it is even claimed to be more beautiful than Swarga. It is a realm filled with health, wealth & beauty.Thanks for the Chapter.
may be as a God or as a demigod from the Hindu Pantheon
2. High school D×D
Marvel: Reborn in 20th century India
Anime & Comics · MJ_0422