
LV 15
2019-01-21 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global
ป้าย 14

Moments 2
1 years ago

I love this book. I'm currently caught up in this book at chapter 5213 and the very fact that I've read 5k chapters proves how much I enjoy this book. But ever since we got to chapter 5000 it seems like the development is slowing down and what the author would usually cover in 1 chapter is now taking 3 chapters it's becoming very tedious and redundant. Again, I love this book, and it's probably the only book I will come back every day to read, but it is becoming harder justify spending coin with it being drawn out even more. but still I love this book and I love where it is heading but I just wish the author could cover more in individual chapters.

2 years ago

While I do enjoy this book you can tell the author is making the chapters shorter and shorter and drawing the story out to milk coins. Beginning of story has a very nice pace but after the first hundred or so chapters the story stalls and is constantly running in circles and hasn't really moved forward at all. If I had to compare it something it would be animes where the show has becoming nothing but fillers and Is a couple hundred episode to long for one arc. At this point I would say that I've kept reading it due to the sunken cost fallacy.
