Ab44 - Profile



male LV 13

2019-01-07 เข้าร่วมแล้ว United States

ป้าย 13

Moments 291


So he basically set the condition of picking your master for Peter, knowing he would claim first place lol

Unbeknownst to them, Yoda's decree was a mercy disguised as favoritism. Having led the bear clan and sparred with Peter on multiple occasions, Yoda understood that Peter's skill with a lightsaber was far beyond their own.

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

Movies · AlienWarlord


When will he become a Padawan? Anakin was made one as soon as he joined the Jedi

Peter nodded, absorbing the lesson. Despite the complexity of his training, swinging back and forth between the Sith and Jedi teachings, he felt a sense of accomplishment. The path he walked was his own, shaped by the wisdom of both orders yet bound by neither.

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

Movies · AlienWarlord

Replied to DaoofShamelessness

I think it was also from the force lightning mace windu reflected back at him

"Good, now for a history lesson. The Sith," Revan began, his voice echoing off the ancient walls, "originated long before the Republic, in an era where force users were first discovering the depths of their powers. Unlike the Jedi, who mask their emotions and desire in pursuit of a false sense of peace, we Sith embrace the full spectrum of emotion. It is through passion that we gain strength, through strength we gain power, and through power, we achieve victory."

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

Movies · AlienWarlord

Replied to gamabunda4873

Walkmans usually ran on AA batteries so he’s good until those run out

As Peter wrapped up his mental checklist, the final notes of a song played on his cherished Walkman. Stashing it away, he settled into bed, cautious not to get caught with the device should any Jedi Masters or droids intrude into his room.

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

Movies · AlienWarlord


Wasn’t there the whole thing about processed items channeling mana inefficiently?

'Diamonds, wizards are using diamonds to anchor wards?' Rigel thought. The absurd thought was pushed aside as another idea came to him. The market for Synthetic diamonds was quite huge in his past life, could he use those diamonds to anchor wards? If so, then he needed to work hard to capitalize on it before anyone else could.

Harry Potter: Ero World

Harry Potter: Ero World

Book&Literature · light_novel_addict

Replied to BeanerDao

He was one of the founders of SHIELD so he definitely had government contacts

Howard's expression shifted, and his eyes widened with shock. The words "Nazi concentration camp" sent shivers down his spine.

Marvel: The Gene Collector

Marvel: The Gene Collector

Movies · Midnight_Wonder

Replied to Neo_Godfrey

Completely incorrect. It was stated that those are the only two feathers that Fawkes himself gave, making the wands brothers, but Fawkes isn’t the only Phoenix in existence and those aren’t the only two Phoenix feather wands.

"Here, 11 inches made out of a 239-year-old Elder tree with a Phoenix feather as the core," Ollivander spoke as he presented the wand to Rigel. He grabbed the wand and noticed that the wand dipped for a moment before his mana rushed through it and it lit up again. The light was completely different now, while earlier the wand was glowing with the softest pink tinge now it was a dark blue.

Harry Potter: Ero World

Harry Potter: Ero World

Book&Literature · light_novel_addict

Replied to Dream_Boat


[Yes. A last one. You can only have a total of 20 created skills. You have to delete your old skills to make space for new ones if you have reached the maximum number.]

HP: The Magical Gamer

HP: The Magical Gamer

Book&Literature · Kitamari

Replied to Kal_Thanatos

Or if he’s not able to light the entire ship fast enough just burn the sails

"Dammit!" I can hear the captain shout in frustration. "The wind is on their side. We are too heavy to outrun them. Prepare to fight! We will fight!"

Silver Prince

Silver Prince

Book&Literature · Fangrove


The dialogue needs major improvement

"What happened? How can you have this much wound?!"

Silver Prince

Silver Prince

Book&Literature · Fangrove

Replied to Gwendolin_Pool

Or Blaxkfyre, the sword of Aegon the conqueror. The last know wielder headed to the free cities and founded the Golden Company so maybe it still somewhere in the area

Because of that, I mostly train in how to use a sword with archery to the side. Sir Willem said that I did not have enough talent in using a bastard sword, but I have a talent in using a longsword. What is the difference, you may ask? A bastard sword is broader and heavier, while a long sword is thinner and lighter than a bastard sword. The length is the same, though.

Silver Prince

Silver Prince

Book&Literature · Fangrove


Pretty sure the North gets ripped off when they buy crops from other lands cus they need it so badly with how bad their land is for farming

Wyman Manderly regards the man beside him. "Are you certain you're selling them at this price? It's even lower than what we pay when the Reach delivers in summer. And with winter upon us, food is scarce."

I Only Want to Enjoy Life But My Little Sister Want Me to be King

I Only Want to Enjoy Life But My Little Sister Want Me to be King

Book&Literature · Fangrove


He could make a fortune crafting and selling glass, especially if he enlists the villagers to help

"This is the purpose of the crafting table. Here," I take the crafting books that come alongside the crafting table after I make it. These are the things you can craft using this table."

I Only Want to Enjoy Life But My Little Sister Want Me to be King

I Only Want to Enjoy Life But My Little Sister Want Me to be King

Book&Literature · Fangrove


But has he learned how to bond with them yet?

Harry cast one last look at the three dead muggles before he turned his back and left the dungeons. There were other matters he needed to attend to, like the preparation for the ritual. There were only two more days before the full moon, and he wanted to make sure all the preparation was in order for the rebirth of dragons.

Dragonlord (HP × ASOIAF)

Dragonlord (HP × ASOIAF)

Book&Literature · Dragonspectre

Replied to BryndenRivers

No it’s people too that’s why Harry did those blood ritual tattoos on his hands, to prevent his magic from being siphoned out.

Both of them laughed at the thought bleeding the tension that was built up as they conversed. Domeric was still wary of how his aunt was so invested in hating Lord Stark. If the history of First Men kingdoms has taught him anything, civil wars were the undoing of their people. He'd not wish it on the North where the blood of the First Men runs strong. They were the last bastions of one of the oldest cultures in the world. He did not like to see someone wish ill on his homeland even if it was his dear aunt.

Dragonlord (HP × ASOIAF)

Dragonlord (HP × ASOIAF)

Book&Literature · Dragonspectre

Replied to ThePrsn

Sure it might have caused a little bit of grumbling in the South but the people of the North probably wouldn’t care and she was outright calling for the execution of a Stark

This meant their mother would remain confined to her chambers for many days to come. This was not taken well by Robb or Sansa. No one felt the absence of their mother more so than Sansa. It didn't help that Septa Mordane was no longer among the living standing ready to organize fake tea parties for his little sister. Harry would have felt responsible if not for the fact that the zealot septa dug her own grave by whispering nonsense and hatred in his mother's ears. In his opinion, it was a terrible misjudgement on the septa's part to underestimate the love a mother holds for her children. After all, Harry is the living proof that a mother's love can transcend even death.

Dragonlord (HP × ASOIAF)

Dragonlord (HP × ASOIAF)

Book&Literature · Dragonspectre
