he is to weak his clothes makes it impossible to spy on his skills and he can see their stats.
[ It is of great importance to hide your real identity from the rest of the world. ]
Fantasy · Mister_Writer
Hell no! He didn't want to take responsibility for something he was unclear about.
Fantasy · Mister_Writer
Welcome now, mayor of Animal Crossing. I mean academy master. Dont worry about your house er academy for the rest of your life. You can apply to Tom knooks loan system to buy upgrades. I mean, upgrade with Quest? ( commet on thoes who fell for position as next mayor in almost empty town.
"I have been waiting for your arrival, Academy Master."
Fantasy · Mister_Writer
it says he is only 10 meters high, so that's about 100 feet in the air. That's about a 10-story building tall.
The leaping synthetic humanoid glided in a beautiful arc across the air, and its target was the pirate ship that was not far from the ground.
Sci-fi · Almost Got Rich
this much common sense? wow, this is kinda weird but great and refreshing.
Eastern · Lumydee
doesn't stop others of her status from having thoughts and looks on their face that makes others uncomfortable
She had seen it all. But luckily for her, from the time she came of age, she had access to her mistress's personal quarters, protecting her own dignity and shame.
War · FerriticMatrix
never forget the fact that slingers can sling horrible items or rancid. not to mention if they have small clay balls they could sling who knows what ccould be in it.
Wearing a simple tunic with no armor, pair of pants, and sandals they carried a small buckler in their left hand, and a simple sling in their right. A small bag slung across their shoulder carrying their ammo- stones.
War · FerriticMatrix
as many times as it takes to see if he can get a lower price lol
Sherman was silent for a moment, pondering the offer. "If we give you ten million dollars, you will be able to mass-produce that rifle. Is that what you are saying?"
History · SorryImJustDiamond
his moneybag just walked in as he was developing something lol
Poul and Jonathan's eyes widened in surprise, disbelief etched on their faces. "Wait, did you just say, Morgan and Sherman? The richest financier and one of the greatest generals in the United States of Avalonia?" Jonathan exclaimed, his voice filled with amazement.
History · SorryImJustDiamond
when you can get by with just hunting and struggle with food, raising animals would be a lot harder, and rabits need a fence that's between 1-3 foot deep or they escape by digging to easily.
“Oh!” Spike and Doran glanced at each other in surprise. This idea never occurred to them.
Kingdom Building Done Right!
Fantasy · Elyon