"Principal! Someone's bullying the cat!"
Anime & Comics · SlothMonarch
The murky green that was in front of me seemed to change colours, from beyond it I could see a window opening, sliding outwards to reveal two figures that through the green looked like shimmering shadows.
Anime & Comics · _Wint3r_
1-. I leave them as they are (over 5k words).
Anime & Comics · Tio_Iroh99
How did he react to lightning
No! It was not his direction—it was the Speed Pump that the lightning was attracted to. Immediately after making this realization, Flash quickly threw the can in the air before he could get electrocuted.
Anime & Comics · Dr_Armstrong
This did not age well
As for the other two leave them in the comments with a picture of them and I will think about adding them if not I will just think of some myself, also they have to be from one piece I ain't doing a crossover sorry.
Anime & Comics · Lox_Of_Sins
So his zanpakto is Johnny storm
Bleach: Threads of Fate
Fantasy · Moongetsu