I shall offer this one strike as the ceremony of separation!" "I speak of the beginning. Heaven and earth are divided and nothingness celebrates Creation. My Sword of Rupture rends the world apart." "The vortex that turns the stars, this heavenly hell signifies the end of the eve of genesis. Subside with death!"
Now go pash that pig
"You are Harry Potter. You are the Boy Who Lived. You are limitless."
Book&Literature · Dreamer_20
Anime & Comics · SugmaMaleWriter
—was about to be defeated by a Muggle board game.
Book&Literature · Dreamer_20
that would be the best choice for the empire as a whole
Perhaps he would support the royalists, ensuring the young emperor's survival while eliminating the true root of corruption—the Prime Minister.
Anime & Comics · PinkSnake
was my assumption but you know what they say about those I think it was ment as joke on the original authors part tho a little on the nose if you ask me
Raksa the Giantess
Book&Literature · Vanguard_V
any reason for bakas name change or just personal preference
Raksa the Giantess
Book&Literature · Vanguard_V
spouse that answers that
it was an experimental aircraft and the UFO story was a cover or if you believe the soviets it was them who crashes a unarmed nuclear bomb to threaten the USA and again the UFO story was to avoid a panic
One day in 1947, the Roswell Daily Record suddenly published a report that the military had found a flying saucer in the area. (Tl/N; Still can't believe this is true)
Dimensional Trader in Marvel
Anime & Comics · AHumanMadeMOFO