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2018-12-17 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global

ป้าย 8

Moments 826


Oh boy forget bijuu bombs Shikaku will die from a heart attack if this continues.

With a visible bump on his head, Shikaku walked with an annoyed expression and asked, "What was so important that you made my wife wake me up?"

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Fantasy · Devil_Hex


I swear the way to get the Edo Tensei is just to bug Hiruzen enough that he uses the thing to get Fujin a new and tireless teacher.


Before Hiruzen could express his relief and express his concern, Fujin looked at him, sighed tiredly, just like Hiruzen usually did, and said, "You're late, Grandpa. I had to fight that snake just by myself! It was sooo scary!"

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Fantasy · Devil_Hex

Replied to Zarek8_31_07

I am thinking Hermione is project medusa, the one crouch was about to ok before Sirius killed him.

The redhead chuckled, "I don't know if they have any other name, but I did learn that what they did to me was a sanctioned project in the department. They called me Project Athena… And yes, I want your help in destroying them."

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Book&Literature · athass_prkr

Replied to RustyBoi

I don't see why, one adapts to different systems the other is geared towards cultivation of singular type of energy seems apt to me.

Mimic nodded to the politely asked question and continued, "Yes. Without that physique, even if you master the Law of Ice, you cannot recover your body from Ice like she can because you lack the innate physique to do so. And I also think I understand the main difference between us and the Warrior, Ninjas, and Wizards. Again, using Cultivation terms, our classes cultivate the Dao while they are Body Cultivators."

The Reincarnator's Tavern

The Reincarnator's Tavern

Movies · GnomeBob

Replied to RustyBoi

remade? for what?

Mimic nodded to the politely asked question and continued, "Yes. Without that physique, even if you master the Law of Ice, you cannot recover your body from Ice like she can because you lack the innate physique to do so. And I also think I understand the main difference between us and the Warrior, Ninjas, and Wizards. Again, using Cultivation terms, our classes cultivate the Dao while they are Body Cultivators."

The Reincarnator's Tavern

The Reincarnator's Tavern

Movies · GnomeBob



Clint felt a pang of phantom pain at the two innocuous words and wanted to cry. Part of him was determined to become a physicist, build a time machine, and go back in time to beat the crap out of his younger self for agreeing to learn under Rayleigh.

The Reincarnator's Tavern

The Reincarnator's Tavern

Movies · GnomeBob

Replied to RustyBoi

technically it's life force cultivation, Nen can do a lot of stuff, outright power creation among other things, and training your body might not make you better at nen, although there is a correlation, specifically for enhancers.

Mimic nodded to the politely asked question and continued, "Yes. Without that physique, even if you master the Law of Ice, you cannot recover your body from Ice like she can because you lack the innate physique to do so. And I also think I understand the main difference between us and the Warrior, Ninjas, and Wizards. Again, using Cultivation terms, our classes cultivate the Dao while they are Body Cultivators."

The Reincarnator's Tavern

The Reincarnator's Tavern

Movies · GnomeBob


Do you guys think Rey should eat a devil fruit? with everything we learned I don't think a devil fruit would be all that useful to him, unless he can manufacture something like the swordsman fruit or something. He already has a somewhat special body after all, with the tavern body being adaptive and everything, maybe as long as he can tap into that he could cheat the system into creating a psuedo doomsday body that evolves constantly. Devil fruits might give you the best body for something but that is final, once you have it you can only grow using that as a template. Plus if he can understand his body completely he might be able to design a law that complements it like a devil fruit would it. I think that is how they came about in this Fic. Someone was born with the X body and found and mastered the X law to such a degree that after their deaths the world created a fruit that grants that power, to try and take that route to greater heights, maybe completely awakening (surpassing the original) would negate the fruit weakness to the sea, since you basically gained the authority for it yourself. Either that or mastering a law to a high enough level changes your body, that would make sense too. basically a devil fruit is the equivalent to a inheritance, you gain the efforts of the people who came before you in the hope that you can take the path to a higher level. of course with the One Piece world being the equivalent of a really bad sect the elders try to point you in the wrong direction so that they can keep themselves in power.

ch 73 Chapter 73 The Calm Before the Storm

The Reincarnator's Tavern

The Reincarnator's Tavern

Movies · GnomeBob



That said, the effect was close to zero on him. Rayleigh effectively spent his puberty doing the harshest training, so the discipline he forged kept his mind and hormones where they needed to be. He recognized the effect in the same way he recognized that ice was cold, but that didn't mean he felt cold. Still, it was best not to look down on her. For all he knew, that was just her passive SIMP aura and she could magnify it a hundred million fold, making everyone around her unable to think of her as anything but a Goddess descended to Earth who must be worshiped, adored, and obeyed. That was very unlikely, but Rayleigh would rather over-estimate her than get caught off-guard.

The Reincarnator's Tavern

The Reincarnator's Tavern

Movies · GnomeBob


all tremble before the one true God of One piece


Within the center of the world, Rayleigh could not find anything that looked like a Law of Speed, but he did see a glowing golden law. From his senses, it seemed to be the most powerful law of them all, stronger than the rest of them put together. Rayleigh could not stop his curiosity and he delved deeper. The other laws around the golden law faded away, giving away the true form of the most powerful law in the world. Why did it look like a jacket?

The Reincarnator's Tavern

The Reincarnator's Tavern

Movies · GnomeBob


Forget the players can you imagine what the mc will do once he realizes blackbeard is basically a darkness filled sandbag?

The Reincarnator's Tavern

The Reincarnator's Tavern

Movies · GnomeBob



The idea of choosing a specific concept and mastering just that never occurred to Rayleigh. No. From the moment he figured out that the flow of the world was composed of individual flows that could each be mastered, Rayleigh knew exactly what his sword style would entail. Only children make choices. Adults want it all.

The Reincarnator's Tavern

The Reincarnator's Tavern

Movies · GnomeBob



[Immortal Beauty: I did explore the Hunter World and independently confirmed that everything he taught us was real. He even gave better explanations and more detail than any of the Nen Masters I found on my own. If he is trying to Con everyone, he must be going for the really Long Con.]

The Reincarnator's Tavern

The Reincarnator's Tavern

Movies · GnomeBob
