hey, in last chapters when that kyro said she was a mistake of God's and she swallowed Sun? Is it related to this so called Sin?
why is tthat tang guy there ? he ruins the atmosphere
The cover is beautiful
yeah To SaVe mY OnE aNd OnLy BeLoVeD wIFE I WILL diVOrCe hEr HUrt anD HuMiliAtE HeR, OnLy to GEt hEr KiLled in ThE prOceSS,
Go ahead and kill him, with Bai Yu yue gone, his chances of getting himself cured would also be gone. Let him rot.
Why the chapter is so short?
I mean just don't marry her then. She isn't dying to marry you either. I'm sure she doesn't want to be the 'only good old best friend who always sticks by your side' anymore. Wake up dude otherwise you would regret it later.
I Can Never Stop Loving You
Urban · Mystical_night