Haris_Khan1994 - Profile


LV 12
2018-10-31 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global

ป้าย 3

Moments 93


Sometime you show he is carefree and sometime you suddenly make him become embarassed by a waitress’s desire and make him deactivate his skills, nonsense

Seeing samshiel smile, Vanessa felt a butterfly in her stomach like how she felt with captain yami but this time it was different. Despite the [Lucifer's gaze] was off, samshiel was still had peerless charisma that contends with a high-class model.

Transcending Paragon

Transcending Paragon

Anime & Comics · ChesterCure


Why give him the skill if you want to keep it deactivated

Seeing samshiel smile, Vanessa felt a butterfly in her stomach like how she felt with captain yami but this time it was different. Despite the [Lucifer's gaze] was off, samshiel was still had peerless charisma that contends with a high-class model.

Transcending Paragon

Transcending Paragon

Anime & Comics · ChesterCure


Didn’t he receive a +1 to all his abilities when he just cleared his last quest for not depending on system shop too much and training on his own? WHy does he still have abilities at level 1 like full counter and angel’s blessing?

Skill: Heart of an emperor(Legendary grade, growth type), Breath of hell lvl. 5, full counter lvl.1, renewal taekwondo lv.4, Mask of the night lv.3, angels embrace lvl.1, life creation lvl.1

Transcending Paragon

Transcending Paragon

Anime & Comics · ChesterCure



His appearance also changed from the previous average boy to a very handsome male of 6'2 feet with black hair and red eyes and fair skin.

In the movie worlds with my system

In the movie worlds with my system

Movies · lucifer_112

Replied to Lustful_Death

You should leave everything to him, but first you should give your absolute best

"Right. As the saying goes, 'Believe in Allah, but tie your camel.'"

Harry Potter: New World

Harry Potter: New World

Movies · HPMan


Have they stopped using the confundus and potential remedy they used in the 1st and 2nd year that lasts for a month?

Hermione and I were constantly busy studying and practicing, returning to the common room often after lights out and no longer sitting on the couch, but half-alive going to wash up and sleep.

Harry Potter: New World

Harry Potter: New World

Movies · HPMan


And what about the portkey trophy at the end? How will he handle that

"Glory is indeed fleeting. However, it will be relevant in the years to come after the tournament. Look. Let's say I became champion. What does that mean? I beat the defense, one. The youngest of the other champions, two. The most worthy of Hogwarts, three. If I win, I'm also the winner, considering I should have been the weakest - four. And as a bonus, I can ignore the school curriculum for this year, which means a lot of free time, which I can spend to my advantage. Besides, I could try to get permission to the Restricted Section from the Headmaster, because I'm a champion. And for you to get admission, because 'Friend of the Champion!'"

Harry Potter: New World

Harry Potter: New World

Movies · HPMan


Has he started to act like an idiot suddenly?

My pulse quickened slightly, my mood crept upward. There was even some excitement! Maybe I should really loosen the occlumency a little in terms of control? Confundus did not pass even in the middle of the year, even with a close and powerful performance.

Harry Potter: New World

Harry Potter: New World

Movies · HPMan



Hermi? Mione? My little PogChamp? (no)

Harry Potter: New World

Harry Potter: New World

Movies · HPMan


What a great wish wasted on a trash. It’s true what they say, it’s not the car that wins the race, it’s the driver who drives it.

Selling minerals like that can only happen after I'm at least 18 years old or higher so they would be less inclined to ask stupid questions but then again by that time, I would already be extremely rich so I wouldnt need to sell those minerals. The resource dimension is really the best there is, if not for my fear that the Living Tribunal would call me out, I would have long since used the Tenth Metal. In order to even be able to warp reality on a planetary level, I need enough of it to form a breastplate and to go to universal level, I would need enough to form a full armor and I'm not sure that The Living Tribunal would appreciate such powerful unknown metal appearing within his turf.

Marvel: Elysium (Old)

Marvel: Elysium (Old)

Movies · king_frosh


He has all the resources in the universe in infinite amount and he thinks of trying to make money in a few years and that too with an app 😐 He can earn more money than that in a year if he sold fucking fruits and vegetables from earth 🤯

The success of the website depended entirely on publicity and to do that, I would have to advertise which also indirectly meant I would have to spend money. Yes, I can advertise it without paying but how many people would it actually reach but it doesn't matter for now, I am planning to wait a year for it to officially begin gaining clients and freelancers.

Marvel: Elysium (Old)

Marvel: Elysium (Old)

Movies · king_frosh


Very lousy service

But because it was still stuck, only a section came out.

Transmigrated With A Movie Tech System

Transmigrated With A Movie Tech System

Movies · Novelette_Seeker


I have a suggestion author-san, if narcissa is part vampire and that’s the cause of her bond, then shouldn’t be surnamed drakul instead of ashwood if she marries the mc. And since house greengrass already has connections with house ashwood, then leave that surname to one of them. Just a suggestion

Agustus hurriedly complied and told her about everything he and Narcissa had done over the past month. He told her how they had met in a meeting, and how he forced Malfoy to give her to him. He also told her about the ritual she did with Vampire hair and veela blood, and how it was part of his destiny to marry her as heir of Drakul.

Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Book&Literature · Agwinz
