
male LV 12

Just reading...

2018-10-28 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Brazil
ป้าย 16

Moments 44
2 years ago
Replied to Sheriff_K

Friend, with so many trash novels around, one that is at least a little bit endurable is already a good one, but it's been a long time i read this one, I'll try it again and maybe review my opinion

The spiritual Vermillion Jade Rice had run out. Hence, he naturally had to make his rice balls with the Vermillion Jade Rice. This was rather tormenting for him as he was picky about his food.

Carefree Path of Dreams

Carefree Path of Dreams

Eastern · The Plagiarist

3 years ago


This feels good. No wonder the Somalian pirates like robbing. It's fantastic.

God of Fishing

God of Fishing

Eastern · Pig That Can Howl Like A Wolf

3 years ago

I'll try use a soccer reference then, i suppose they're saying that the Golden s State is like a Real Madrid and Dallas would be a Sevilla, that's how i see it actually.

It was rather an awkward situation for the priests, monks, and psychics to be in. They were quite reputable and respected by many in their fields. Today, when compared to Luo Hao and Zhao Yao, it was like Golden State Warriors competing against Dallas Mavericks.

When Cats Own Superpower

When Cats Own Superpower

Urban · Bear Wolf Dog

3 years ago
Replied to Nongameonlynovel

Do you really wanna see a webnovel with chinese settings like a Emperor who's the Son of Heaven, or a world where true qi exists with a MC with the name of Christian? or with an emperor of a country by the name of Great "Stuart" called Charles the V? then i recommend you to change from eastern fantasy to just fantasy and read a novel about a world of magic instead.

The so-called "old language" was what Fan Xian remembered to be classical Chinese, while "new language" was similar to written vernacular Chinese, though perhaps a bit more refined.

Joy of Life

Joy of Life

History · Mao Ni

3 years ago

Hahahahah that's the best quote in this novel so far! Poor old devil, still doesn't know in whose hands he'll fall into 😂😂

"Hahaha!" Lin Fan laughed. "Old devil, I forgot to tell you that heaven and earth shook when I was born. I'm more than just a human. Vows can't kill me." 

It's Lonely To Be Invincible

It's Lonely To Be Invincible

Eastern · Xin Feng

3 years ago

Hahaha, he has twenty something years old, but he’s still a kid in grandma’s eyes

What shocked her the most was that the two children were on the bench and her grandson had his eyes shut, leaning against that girl's shoulder. He seemed to be asleep…

Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Urban · Jiong Jiong You Yao

3 years ago

Why enemies with a such sincere friend like this? 😂😂😂

"Of course, the reason you make others speechless is that your attitude is far too calm, your tone of voice too annoying, making others so depressed that they want to spit up blood…according to the rumors, she doesn't speak very much, and she rarely appears before the common people, but she's just like you. The two of you both make others so depressed that they want to spit up blood."

Way of Choices

Way of Choices

Eastern · Mao Ni

3 years ago

See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon

3 years ago

I’m a true chosen, the son of heaven, how could you mere mortals compare to me? 😂😂😂

  He said with a smile, "I am not possessed. I'm merely too gifted. How would you ordinary people understand?"

I Have Countless Legendary Swords!

I Have Countless Legendary Swords!

Eastern · Let me laugh

3 years ago
Replied to Berserk

Hateful character? That’s just how it was those harems, and not just the chinese ones, the women compete to gain the favor of the emperor and strike down the others to get their own sons in the throne, or do you think lady zhao wasn’t of the same mind and wasn’t also plotting against the empress?

  Lady Zhao Xuan was most likely dead. As for Emperor Yan of Zhou, Zhou Xuanji already considered him dead.

I Have Countless Legendary Swords!

I Have Countless Legendary Swords!

Eastern · Let me laugh