It's the night before Gael and Angela's big day and the boys and I are spending the night at the penthouse of the hotel. Each of us has our own room, thank fuck. I'm not about to share mine with any of the De Lucas.
Urban · NixxxiE
hiiiii 🥰 yes! I'll be back here posting real soon. 😁 thank you for the warm welcome.
"Good." I tuck the papers under my arm. I'll be working with my nephew at KMH because it's how I show my support to him. So while I'll be busy there, I start delegating several tasks to Salvatore for SVR. He's the interim in my position at our family's company. He'll do a great job at it. Salvatore is smart and he's the only one I trust on my behalf.
Urban · NixxxiE
i can't. 😂😂😂🙊🤪 I'm trying not to be so loud laughing.
"Stop fussing, Lia, or I'll kiss you."
Urban · NixxxiE
omg 😆❤ Hi. thanks! 🥰 hopefully the next update will be in a few days.
"greasy chests". 😭🤣😭
Perhaps some…unfortunate circumstances will happen to these dancing men tomorrow night. The girls will be sad but nothing that I and the boys won't be able to fix. I should give Gael a call. Surely he wouldn't like having his fiancée with a bunch of naked dudes and greasy chests.
Urban · NixxxiE
omg. I just saw this. i don't know why I wrote that. It's was probably autocorrected. weird. thank you! i'll edit 🥰
Urban · NixxxiE
"Good." I tuck the papers under my arm. I'll be working with my nephew at KMH because it's how I show my support to him. So while I'll be busy there, I start delegating several tasks to Salvatore for SVR. He's the interim in my position at our family's company. He'll do a great job at it. Salvatore is smart and he's the only one I trust on my behalf.
Urban · NixxxiE
Salvatore and I spent two days studying the reports, combing every fine detail in order not to miss anything. Friday afternoon comes and I've uncovered most of what I already suspected. Except, I learned something else that I never thought I'd find.
Urban · NixxxiE
aww... thank you so much 🖤🖤
Gabriella's Hellfire: An Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance
Urban · NixxxiE