
LV 5

Perseverance is the essence of success in life.

2018-09-22 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Sweden
ป้าย 7

Moments 111
3 years ago

I love an MC that kills but more than that i love an MC that kill wehn that is the most efficent and rewards and spears when that is more rewarding. When enemy offered the vital gu than he should have spered, so that his fame would spread saying that he would speer you if you give him what he wants. its just more efficent after all why would his enemys in the future give him their vital gu and rather explode all their gus...

3 years ago

Everything about this brothr is so unintressting, why could he had died long ago so the story can focus on MC instead... :(

3 years ago
Replied to Boogeyman_Jack

IT should have happend long ago, when they were wathing the vidio of the gu awakening he screamed out in pain alone. having a crazed look (something like that)

3 years ago
Replied to pdsd_Sun_Valley

There are many human traits that some cultures considers desirable. reading these book we can see that long legs (a rather common view if we look towards the model world) current china likes. but world like to say that long legs are far bether than golden lillies (i think that was what its called on english) also known as foot binding. having a beatiful feet, showed your loyality to your family, showing how determin you where and that you would be able to survive the pain of child birth etc, btw this is after foot binding is done obviously... :P fair skin, jade skin, egg white skin. show that you came from a good family that could allow you to live peacefuly without working. (not working under the sun) etc other cultures we got stuff like the length of the hair. a current one would be the size of the butt. personlly i think its rather smart what the author does, they are saying someone is good looking without being to describtive. like legs that stretches a thousand miles. in my view this dosnt describe the length of the legs but rather you could stair at them forever as there was no end to them. well im rembeling, anyways i dont care much for the legs, nor hight for that matter. so i usally just ignore what other people like and move on :P

3 years ago
Replied to N0xiety

Good points about the Crane elder, didnt think about that :P one point your forgetting that adds on to what your saying XD the father was in mortal danger and sent her away before the Ice explotion, these are the things she should consider. thinking that a 3 rank can kill the 5th rank is just looking down on her own father. adding to it even if MC exploded and killed her father, wouldnt the MC also be the victom and faith, law and all that good stuff would be the perpetrator :P sry, I was also annoyed, it helped reading your comment :)

3 years ago

yes every womans dream is to see some dud beat up the guy that they like that is wounded and incaple to fight back.... caveman logic.

3 years ago

first. novel i called genius system without equal, now your telling me that the technics from it is second rate and cant reach the apex?

3 years ago

fight ends chapter 703, There are a few things that happens that has some intressed, but when rage mode start it is easily skipable, read chapter 703, that has some immportance :P well atleast this is how i felt :P

3 years ago

He had to admit he had feeling for her once, was she was willing to sleep with him. That is kinda bad :P thats not love or emotions but clearly labido talking :P

3 years ago

why does this story remove most of the best females characters. i really hope she dosnt die, than i might stop reading this after awhile :/