Behind him stood Endeavor, a little known outside of Japan because of his temperament. Those behind the two top heroes were only known here in Japan. Hawk, Best Jeanist, Edgeshot, Crust, Yoroi Musha, Ryukyu… Felix didn't remember everyone, and obviously, everything was centered around the top 10, but some of the names seemed more interesting than others among the remaining heroes: the n°17 Kamui Wood seemed fairly popular with women, Wash fairly popular with kids and Mirko, the n°14, fairly popular with men. No wonder why.
Anime & Comics · Brainr0t
I prefer this one
"Why the hell humans picture Death like this? Even my weapon became a Scythe for no reason. I really can't understand why humans think about me with this appearance."
Fantasy · Suiyan
When the image has sound effects
Fantasy · Suiyan
Hey, stop! I already cried with the captain okay! Don't do that again!
"This is the benefit of working in the Security Department. It may be dangerous, but promotions happen really fast. After all, your superior, such as me, might die at any moment," Jiang Baimian joked.
Sci-fi · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
The latter snapped to his senses. He bellowed back, "SCREW YOU, XIE TIAN!!"
Eastern · DamnPlotArmor
Eastern · DamnPlotArmor
I don't know if you found it already but it's called beyonder pathways Just throw on google that you'll find
"Okay...I want Visionary, Moon, Twilight Giant, and White Tower pathway."
Book&Literature · ninjapanda
🧐 Have you called?
Senior Johnson was wearing a eye monocle. Luwen knows that it was a beyonder item created by the head archivist to find something. They followed Senior Johnson and arrived at a very run down house. Just from the distance, Luwen can smell something that made him an urge to throw up the contents of his stomach.
Others · megurashimono
Huh! huh! 🧐
" I want to watch him more...I know that it was the Archivist job to watch everything.. can't you let me play more in this body? Ah.. you're right..right..I can't certainly let that guy discover me..ugh.. the creepy monocle bastard...okay, okay I would stop playing with the poor Ms.Librarian.. wait, wait, there is someone coming.... I just want to play for a few more minutes and I would manage my rampaging circus. "
Others · megurashimono
Quite literally
It's hard living in a world knowing that being in the wrong place at the wrong time means your death. Then again, if I wanted to flirt with Wonder Woman or Powergirl, then I need the spine to back it up.
Brightest Doom
Sci-fi · BigToFu