helloworld420 - Profile



male LV 13

read too much

2018-09-11 เข้าร่วมแล้ว United States

ป้าย 25

Moments 36



“To reach LV 1, one needs to ignite one burning point, while the human body has 33 vertebrae on the spine. When one ignites all the burning points on the spine, they would reach LV 9. Strict standards have been made for reaching each higher level. Likewise, you can calculate by yourself how many more burning points you need to ignite to become a LV 10 fighter. 55! Yes! What’s next? 89! The number would grow geometrically in a terrifying way. That explained why the higher the levels were, the greater the differences would be, and this sequence…” the old man turned around and pointed at those numbers on the blackboard, “...is called Leonardo Fibonacci Sequence, which was the Golden Sequence that contained numerous secrets discovered by a human mathematician named Leonardo Fibonacci hundreds of years before the Catastrophe. It contains the universal law and the law of the creator. Look at the spirals on the right and left of the pine cones. Have you noticed that the smaller one has 5 lines on the left and 8 on the right, while the bigger one has 8 on the left and 13 on the right? The numbers 5, 8, and 13 directly correspond to the Fibonacci Sequence. You can check the squares on this snail shell curve. You will then understand the relationship between this curve and this sequence of numbers — the Fibonacci Curve or Golden Ratio. The curve is the geometric pattern of this sequence. You can find this relationship on most living begins. If you take a look at nature and the things beside you, you will find more examples. For instance, there are two groups of spirals inside the flower disc of a sunflower, and the corresponding numbers are 34 and 55, 55 and 89, 89 and 144. Similarly, you can get the same result in roses and thistle leaves. After the Catastrophe, people discovered the secrets to practice cultivation from the underground ruins and realized that all the improvement and cultivation that the human race were doing were in accordance with the Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence. Even all other living beings evolve along this curve. As the curve and the number sequence is the reflection of the universal law, fighters that didn’t evolve in line with this curve and the number sequence would never be considered strong by the standards of all the humans and the powerful figures...”

Castle of Black Iron

Castle of Black Iron

Fantasy · Drunk Tiger


a descendant of Speedwagon?

‘When we're out of school, Gary, I'll help you. I'll create a company of my own, and I’ll use all that money to help you!’ Tom swore to himself.

My Werewolf System

My Werewolf System

Fantasy · JKSManga



Her body flung like a jet crashing to the wall making a really big crack before stopping, the advice that Rex gives that moment rang on her head before her consciousness slowly disappears.

The Invincible Full-Moon System

The Invincible Full-Moon System

Fantasy · Mrboogey13

Replied to Sikusut123_

It would've been better if you said, "That's right this is a novel" or something like that

He was the pride of their class. The type that was too good to be true and usually only appeared in movies as the main character. However, this wasn’t a movie,and he was right in front of his fellow students.

My Werewolf System

My Werewolf System

Fantasy · JKSManga


Have I ever told you the definition of insanity?

It was only a few ten thousand times of Water Ball incantation anyway, what is there to be afraid of? He had chanted it once, so what if he has to do it another time? He has a lot of time so who cares if he was not sleeping tonight? This hurdle was now his foe!

When A Mage Revolts

When A Mage Revolts

Fantasy · Yin Si

Replied to TheSnowWolf777

Pretty sure the better way to say it is, like master like disciple.

The amount of loss that Max had caused to him was ten times more than what Stark had caused him.

The Ancient Genes

The Ancient Genes

Fantasy · ReincarnatedSaint


Man it seems they seriously nerfed the Florida men in this novel

"East America, where we are now, is the place where the dungeon break happened... It happened in Florida to be exact. The state was destroyed in a couple of weeks and the neighboring states soon consumed by the monsters within the following months. Millions died, including Warriors as well as civilians, during the failed attempts to close the dungeon. The nation pulled any and every resources that we had in order to put an end to the war but it was in vain. Even when the twelve elite families came together, they still couldn't do much. Following which, the then president, Dobald Tramp, authorised a nuclear attack to be done, the families and warriors were against it but the ex-president did it anyways thinking that they were hatching a plan to take away his position of power, and saying he was wrong would be the biggest understatement in the history of humanity."

The Rise Of A Porter

The Rise Of A Porter

Fantasy · AkshatArpit



The boots were an overall improvement, giving him a plus 8 in agility as well as better defence. There was a major change though, it no longer had the active skill wind walk, and instead had one called antigravity. It would allow the users to walk up walls and stay upside down while it's feet would stick to surfaces like a spider.

My Vampire System

My Vampire System

Fantasy · JKSManga


I also enjoy looking at jiggle physics

At the desk, Linda was the only one paying more attention to the screen while Kazz's assessment was happening. The other two boys seemed to be enticed by something else as they watched Kazz complete everything.

My Vampire System

My Vampire System

Fantasy · JKSManga

Replied to Wave_Made

MC slander, I like it

So when he had unlocked the Shadow eater skill, he had assumed the same. Only this time, when trying to use it, nothing would happen at all, and with no description of what the skill did, he was at a loss.

My Vampire System

My Vampire System

Fantasy · JKSManga


You go now and make Darwin proud


May the brotherhood of gamers ring the bells of shame for this fool.

At first, I tried to reject her by saying, 'I don't have any interest in gamer girls.'

The King's Mandate: Anomalous System

The King's Mandate: Anomalous System

Games · NoWoRRyMaN


Less gooo - Dababy

Chapter 18: Prostitutes and the First Monster Girl (Part-1)

The Sex Beast System (The World Of Systems)

The Sex Beast System (The World Of Systems)

Urban · Roeselawik

Replied to transiana


Floating in the darkness Kace was entirely at ease. A strange sense of comfort washed over his very soul. 'Yep, definitely dead.' was all that passed through his mind. Surprisingly this revelation did not panic him in the slightest. Instead, a mild curiosity as to how it happened rose in its place. No matter how hard he tried, those memories appeared to be missing. 'I'll just go with the flow I guess,' he muttered to himself. He could feel himself drifting as if being pulled by the current of a river. What seemed like days passed quickly as a multitude of various colours appeared in the distance.

My (Monster?) Hero Life

My (Monster?) Hero Life

Fantasy · Antihero


This is the same situation that to Japan attacking Pearl Harbor, (Japan wasn't pleased with the small amounts of resources they were being sold because of WW2.)

"They bought, but they didn't feel satisfied with the number of resources we wanted to sell," Ren said. "They did something unforgivable, but I can imagine that they were in a bad situation since they were forced to create discord between our nations."

Unlimited Power - The Arcane Path (COMPLETED)

Unlimited Power - The Arcane Path (COMPLETED)

Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99

Replied to KeiJu

You take that back or I'm gonna send florida man with his meth addicted alligator.

Leon wanted to confirm if his hometown was fine, but he couldn't force Ren to tell more. He could only pray that Phoenix was right. After that, Ren explained that earthquakes and tsunamis became commonplace, and sometimes those earthquakes would form dungeons connecting earth to various worlds filled with monsters and chaos.

Unlimited Power - The Arcane Path (COMPLETED)

Unlimited Power - The Arcane Path (COMPLETED)

Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99
