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ป้าย 9

Moments 710
2 years ago

Nice and all but how would his father even know that those books are important for him?

2 years ago

Missing the details, feels more like a step to step explanation but it's okay I think.

2 years ago

Feels like a parody from Harry Potter's first year.

2 years ago

Starts out good with new innovative ideas. Later on, author goes the usual rout with canon ... . For me the story goes downhill there, plus, with the change of the story it feels less than a One Piece story than a story about a guy with mental problems.

2 years ago

Story is good but kind of awkward with Danzo around and how MC behaves...

2 years ago

It's easy to understand, character is quite competent it seems.

2 years ago

Story itself would be good but I can only give 1 star to story development and stability of updates. Author is revising the story all the time and deletes chapters already out. As a reader you don't know whether you have to reread or not. Better be slow with the chapters than deleting stuff already out.