
male LV 13


2018-08-21 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global
ป้าย 14

Moments 8
3 years ago
Replied to D_J_S

Not in my country mate

Moby, Ray, and Alex then decided to have a "male bonding session" to get to know each other better and deepen their bonds.

The Great Demon System

The Great Demon System

Fantasy · Drip

3 years ago

Did they play the bread game? If yes who ate the bread?

Moby, Ray, and Alex then decided to have a "male bonding session" to get to know each other better and deepen their bonds.

The Great Demon System

The Great Demon System

Fantasy · Drip

3 years ago

I wish I could appreciate this novel, I really do, but the sheer amount of stupid things that happened in ONLY 33 CHAPTERS is straight up unbearable if you are capable of thought, the stupidest thing I saw was when the mc got the skill of heavenly demonic wings, to start off, the name is the epitome of cringe and looks like the type of name a pre**** would give it, but still, the worst part was the no fucks given about the energy necessary for flying 16.65 Km up (according to terminal velocity this is the smallest possible distance he fell in the ravine) when he couldn't even fly 50 meters before, the absurd of amount of energy he got makes no sense at all, he got at least 450x more energy, while the normal of any cultivation novel even the more absurd ones is to multiply their energy between realms by at most 4 times(and that is between realms, he was still in the same realm just a different stage). Author, you just gave no shit to logic and just forced what you wanted to happen.... If you need one more aspect for why I can't handle this novel, it is the sheer lvl of plot armor and luck, I have read quite a lot of cultivation novels but MY GOD does everything I read so far felt forced, according to how lucky the mc got he should already be dead after wasting all the luck of his 5 lives or more. If this novel eventually gets better, great! but for me it's too late, anything build upon a bad foundation will leave a bad taste in the mouth. Have a nice day Author.

3 years ago
Replied to Syrinx

I know this is quite late but you really messed up the calculus there, the terminal velocity of a human is aproximately 55,5 m/s , five minutes is 300 seconds, so (300*55,5)/1000 (so you can get the distance in km), the answer is 16,65, dude, you were waayyyyyyy off.

3 years ago
Replied to HimeSama

that's the fundamental difference between a world ruled by morality and order(sure we are not living in a "peaceful" world, but we live by way more rules than we did in the middle ages and even before that) and a world ruled by power itself, individual power, not power of influence or anything but just plain and old might makes right, you shouldn't try to use the morality of our current world for such one.

My Senior Brother is Too Steady

My Senior Brother is Too Steady

Eastern · Get to the Point

3 years ago

This is yet another work of art by the handsome author Cuttlefish that loves Diving, the write style continues being on-point just like in his previous works such as LOTM, TOMA and MAM, I'm quite excited for how this new work of his will turn out, definitely deserves a chance by anyone!

3 years ago
Replied to Cain_Thorne

It's kinda anticlimatic but I think that's better than making a plot hole just to please everyone :/

4 years ago

I like to have multiples points of view, it makes the situations more believable, and it's interesting to see when this perspectives collide with one another.