Heavenfallhellrise - Profile


male LV 14
2018-07-11 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global

ป้าย 5

Moments 59



"Who wants to see you naked, idiot? Zeus has more chest than you!" Kaylon looked at Loki with disdain. Where does this woman get the confidence to say that? If it were Hestia or Freya, he might even burn their clothes, ahem ahem.

Shining God in Danmachi

Shining God in Danmachi

Anime & Comics · Cozmooo

Replied to promethius

He’s about to get fisted if he gets caught tell ya that 😂

Catching his breath after the unexpected ordeal, he sighed and thought, "Well, guess I am not selling shit." Gripping the necklace tighter, he grumbled, "Why are there ninjas after me now? What did I do?" The answer dawned on him as he sighed again, "Well, I am a thief after all. But the penthouse belonged to a rich old lady, not some sec-" His words trailed off as he remembered the nature of the world he inhabited. "Fuck me sideways," he muttered, realizing the complex web of consequences.

Marvel-Comics: Overgeared

Marvel-Comics: Overgeared

Anime & Comics · Bulale_Abali

Replied to Isekailogy

Against who at the moment he’s talking to Dobby and “magic” to say his oath neither of which is gonna tell on him

Harry summoned his elder wand, "I Harry James Potter swear on my magic and life to form the symbiotic bond with house elf Dobby."

Legacy of Harry Potter

Legacy of Harry Potter

Book&Literature · Graviele


He has perfect memory,which is just enough for him to remember he may be a moron … maybe… perhaps

Does this mean, that Cannon has changed a lot? Or does it mean that I dont remember the plot of the movies

HP: Ronan's Journey

HP: Ronan's Journey

Book&Literature · YashVardhan_OG


The other being you yelled out your attack moves like a Pokémon

Well, she is right, one of the reasons I lost was because it gave her time to react to my technique.

I Am Apollo, The Blinding Light, And The Incandescent Sun

I Am Apollo, The Blinding Light, And The Incandescent Sun

Anime & Comics · ExtraZ7


Is he a Pokémon?

"Neville!" Neville eagerly reached out to protect his flying toad, his excitement palpable.

Reincarnated as Draco's Twin To Dominate Hogwarts

Reincarnated as Draco's Twin To Dominate Hogwarts

Anime & Comics · Scaramousse


Atlas is the titan of endurance ?

But that was good for Hades. He wanted to test out his strength against the Titan of strength. It would be the last time until Heracles was born and then turned into a god of strength by Zeus. 

Hades in the Multiverse

Hades in the Multiverse

Anime & Comics · Cedric_7512



I didn't even know if the prince had any lines in the script.

Reincarnated as Apollo! Twice!

Reincarnated as Apollo! Twice!

Book&Literature · George_Bush_2910


I’m greatly enjoying this story so far keep it up and let’s goooooooo!!

❗You can read up to 10 chapters ahead on this fic and the other ones I write on my p*treon at:

Necromantic Gamer's Journey(DxD)

Necromantic Gamer's Journey(DxD)

Anime & Comics · Bronz_Deck


You could literally use the monkey talisman to make lifelike statues and sell them as art

I still haven't found a place where I could safely practice with the talismans and unless I planned on becoming a thief I wasn't about to steal. Not only would that pit every hero against me, it would also draw the attention of bad guys all around town. I still had a few ideas though. Contrary to popular belief unless you planned on becoming a criminal, having superpowers weren't all that profitable.

Zodiac (DC)

Zodiac (DC)

Anime & Comics · Anubis_Creationz


Nope that bellsprout is a breaking bad mon out there spreading the drugs dark times for the poke world

He started training Bellsprout in the mastery of growth, vine whip, and speed powder along with learning of razor leaf.

Pokemon : Aura of Darkness

Pokemon : Aura of Darkness

Anime & Comics · Immortle_diablo123

Replied to Ballad

Then what about the patronus charm that is used by the human guards etc working around the dementors?

The thing is that a wizard never runs out of magic as long as there is magic around them, instead, their bodies are taxed with every spell, which is why spells are designed to be fired at once in bursts, and not in a continuous way, which would quickly tire the castor. It was also the reason why Azkaban was a prison, since the island was almost devoid of magic, meaning that wizards can't cast anything.

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Book&Literature · athass_prkr


He’s not a werewolf why would he imprint?

- I imprinted on Alice - Ethan thought, frowning in doubt - But… I'm also attracted to Jessica -

Twilight: Son of Hades

Twilight: Son of Hades

Movies · Toruu



Fanny was a little puzzled, but when he recalled that the system considered Sumire Karaage Rolls as a skill, an Imperial Arms with special characteristic seemed less outlandish.

Marvel Anime Extraction

Marvel Anime Extraction

Anime & Comics · nyawdao2

Replied to Elemecha

Exactly😬so you know him?

"There is a being, simply known as the Doctor . . . ."

The Slayer Gamer

The Slayer Gamer

Video Games · TheOneThatRead



And a cookie for the first person to figure out who the mentor is going to be.

Into The Kaleidoscope

Into The Kaleidoscope

Anime & Comics · GoldFinger
