I like this story it is well writen...so far the pace is slow but it is the start so can't complain...MC feels nice and his relationship with his friends is nice.
why is a lvl 9 fighting at floor 1-10???and all this romance is annoying tbh.
sorry mate i'm not from USA so i'm not really in tune with big criminals in your country...great story so far and don't worry people will come read your story and someone will know. that "mason" was it Charles Mason???
I'm kinda sad nobody commented about the references I made to IRL people. I need comments, feedback and interaction with the readers of else all the effort I put into writing is pretty much for nothing, since I write for you guys :'c
Anime & Comics · AmateurTrainer
man i love this novel but it is too slow paced...
does nobody knows that tesla for funding people inventions asked for said inventions to pe patented in his name????
And during this whole mess, my son decided to go and recruit Nikola Tesla out of nowhere as his bishop. He said that it was because he heard me talk about the man's brilliant mind even if he was somewhat damaged as a person due to his life. Kal thought he could become something akin to his own Da Vinci since we could help him recover, mind, body and soul, while also giving him a lot of freedom to create and funding/resources to do so.
Anime & Comics · Alexander_the_grey
oooooo nekomata incoming????
The fact he never came to the underworld anymore was starting to worry many devils, and the Asgardians loved to rub it in our faces since he kept visiting them every now and then. It was actually the only place where you could see him aside from Kyoto where he would sometime visit the Yokai leader after giving her a set of Kyubi talismans. That's right, she could now reincarnate humans in satan blessed Kyubi.
Anime & Comics · Mangadonf
i don't like the half demon thing...null the side effect with chaos:-?? Successor of a human empire can't be half demon...
man the last 30chp' were so hard to read....author milks his story more and more... shame cause it was one of the best HP ff.
someone effing did it...the disrespect on this one [img=update]
"I don't need any excuses. Mr. Mason. In the end, you raised your Wand against fellow Students while you came out unharmed. You will spend every Friday afternoon in Detention with me for the rest of the year! Good day, Mr. Mason." decided Snape with a strange glint inside his eyes.
Book&Literature · Arrowinmyknee
i hope he will not use Bosted Gear for himself...it's just boring atm...create a new sacred gear
DxD│A Devil with Three Essences
Anime & Comics · ChaosWriter