Webnovel Author: Book_DragonKing - Fanfic Collection



male LV 6

A normal human boy . I wrote some book synopsis , but I am too lazy & busy to actually write them.

2018-06-27 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Egypt

ป้าย 10

Moments 6032


naruto could use rasenshuriken with kyuubi-enhanced Clones... he did that during the ninja war ...

The cutting sound of the Rasenshuriken began to slice through the beach while he was doing the jutsu, unfortunately only the original had the capacity to use and maintain this technique, like Naruto, since Minato does not remember his future son using the technique with clones.

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague

Replied to Eternal_Anonymity

it doesn't fit with his personality as a kind shiny sun person ... also, he is also friends with other people, not just the girls ... and doing this can enhance the relationship with these young ninjas, who are mostly heirs of ninjas clans and potential elite jounin ....

A rumor of Minato being a great cook began to circulate in the classroom, and people who had never spoken to him before started coming up to ask for food. Minato was really having his worst time at the academy, but in the end, he took more than 10 people to his apartment that day and made a big barbecue, something everyone ended up loving, with Minato wondering how his cooking could be so special, he seemed to do just the normal.

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague

Replied to plums

he has login light body transformation ...

Minato began focusing on the Rasenshuriken, attempting to add wind element chakra to it. He didn't need clones like Naruto to form the Rasengan, so he tried to do the same with the Rasenshuriken, but still had difficulty controlling the amount of chakra to add to the jutsu as it formed in his hand.

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague


yeah, give them the will of fire, and that the new leaves shall go die and burn themselves so the old tree bark can survive and remain rotten ...

Hiruzen, with his imposing presence and serene gaze, watched the young future shinobis gathered. He raised his hand, asking for silence, and when the children quieted down, he began to speak.

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague


his Clones should have been able to use observation haki, at least a weakened version corresponding to their chakra amount relative to his total chakra amount ...

The fight continued at a frenetic pace. Minato, using his agility and techniques he had been training with Duy, launched 12 clones at Tsuna, who responded in kind. The clones began to fight each other, but despite Minato always being superior thanks to his observation haki, the clones didn't have this, leading to a draw with all clones dissolving equally. Minato had trained a lot with Duy and with his special body, he had an advantage, but fighting against a Senju who used the same taijutsu as the first Hokage was difficult for him to win without his original body's advantage.

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague

Replied to Charlie_English

Well, you are right ... in the anime, only naruto was shown able to create thousands of shadow Clones and handle their deaths with no sequelae... other ninjas barely created 2 or 3 shadow Clones before their chakra runs out ...

The fight continued at a frenetic pace. Minato, using his agility and techniques he had been training with Duy, launched 12 clones at Tsuna, who responded in kind. The clones began to fight each other, but despite Minato always being superior thanks to his observation haki, the clones didn't have this, leading to a draw with all clones dissolving equally. Minato had trained a lot with Duy and with his special body, he had an advantage, but fighting against a Senju who used the same taijutsu as the first Hokage was difficult for him to win without his original body's advantage.

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague

Replied to Charlie_English

lightning release suppress water release ... this is even in the nature of chakra, not mentioning the real world physics ...

could jump away from the water barrier, Minato's electric currents reached her jutsu. Conducted by the water, the electric sparks hit Tsuna.

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague

Replied to luis_miguel_4776

I think having multiple chakra elemental Affinities means the chance of having or creating kekkei genaki /bloodline limit increases ...

Professor Fuuma, patiently, replied: "Each of you received scrolls based on the number of elements with which you have an affinity. Some of you have an affinity with two elements and therefore received two scrolls. Minato, with his exceptional affinity in three elements, received three corresponding scrolls."

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague

Replied to tALvaNCH

giving the tailed beasts to other villages for free ... instead of keeping it in Konoha or even the Uzumaki Clan ...

Hiruzen looked at Tsunade with understanding but maintained his firm tone. "I understand your concerns, Tsunade. But war does not distinguish by age. It's a harsh reality, but everyone must be ready to defend our village."

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague

Replied to tALvaNCH

this is AU, things might be different ...

He looked at each of them, his determination clear in his words: "We will call upon the Uzumaki as our allies. Together, we will face these challenges and protect our village and our people."

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague


Minato ...Dai Sensei Minato ... Dai Sensei Minato ... Dai Sensei


Minato's words had a profound impact on Duy. He was used to being underestimated and seen as a second-level shinobi due to his inability to use jutsus. The sincere recognition and respect from Minato for his abilities and dedication to taijutsu touched his heart.

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague

Replied to Charlie_English

Well, this is also training for his will and mind, which can also enhance his spiritual energy, which would in turn enhance chakra and haki ...

Minato, having already considered the risks, assured her: "It may be, but I'll use my clones to create them. If something goes wrong, the clone explodes, and I learn. It's quite an advantage." Minato informed.

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague


jiraiya is very powerful a a mentor, because he was clumsy when he was a young ninja, he knows how to explain things even to the dumbest of ninjas , not to mention a genius like minato ... however, despite this, during the naruto times kip to shippuden, naruto only learned how to make bigger rasengan, which seems quite lacklustre ...

As the training session progresses that afternoon, Minato not only improves his tree-climbing ability but also gains a new perspective on chakra control. And, perhaps more importantly, he gains a new respect for Jiraiya, not just as a colorful and flamboyant figure, but as a skilled shinobi and a generous future mentor.

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague


but I think her hair's ability to fly is somewhat related to her identity as a jinchuriki after obtaining kurama ... her red hair even divides into 9 bundles like kurama tails ...

"You... You..." Kushina murmured, with her head lowered, clearly struggling to control her emotions. When she finally raised her head, her hair began to lift as if possessed, her face was the color of her hair, and her eyes were white with indignation, an expression Minato had never seen on Kushina.

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague

Replied to Satya_sai_007

if you repeat it a few times with some edits:- add faster speed, somewhat etching expression on their faces, and make their bodies more mature and naked ...

Minato, now a bit calmer but still irritated with his classmates' attitude, just nodded subtly in acknowledgment of Kushina's gaze. He hadn't defended Kushina seeking gratitude; he did it because it was the right thing to do.

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague
