Webnovel Author: Bor902 - Novel&Fanfic Collection



LV 4

Here to cross-post my stories and reach a bigger audience :)

2018-06-26 เข้าร่วมแล้ว United States

ป้าย 5

Moments 26

Replied to Tyler_Henline_7485

basically, but also like a 100x hotter

Harry missed his old life, still, but 11 years was a long time to heal wounds. Magic helped, but what he expected to help more would be getting older and having more options in what to do. Being a child under the authority of others wasn't particularly fun when one had previously enjoyed adult autonomy. Maybe he'd even come to a point where he wouldn't trade this life for his previous one in a heartbeat as he aged.

The education of Harry Evans: A death well-lived (Reincarnation)

The education of Harry Evans: A death well-lived (Reincarnation)

Book&Literature · Bor902

Replied to Sovannra_Seang

Higher IQ, Lol'd. Indeed very true. Just that he probably doesn't want to be a pirate?

The hyper fang that shall pierce the heavens (Pokemon SI)

The hyper fang that shall pierce the heavens (Pokemon SI)

Anime & Comics · Bor902

Replied to R_O_B

yeah, im cross-posting to give others an opportunity to read this

The meeting with godfather had been very enlightening in regards to my potions knowledge. I'd learned that potions as a subject was a hodge podge of ritualistic and scientific concepts because the discipline had started by throwing together ingredients of which one only assumed the properties of, the innate magic of a wizard then made it so in some cases, and then progressed further when one started actually finding out the properties and reactions of magical ingredients independent of the often finicky belief magic.

Malicious, Magical, Malfoy (reincarnation)

Malicious, Magical, Malfoy (reincarnation)

Book&Literature · Bor902

Replied to multiverses_sage

Sounds like something a prevent would say

"That's something to think on." Lucius said hesitantly. "How exactly would we pervert the act though?" He asked, before promptly waving any answer off. "Yes, yes I can see it, instead of pushing against them on the ban of spells such as crepitus maxima, we instead push with them, into the direction of even banning the largely harmless bombarda."

Malicious, Magical, Malfoy (reincarnation)

Malicious, Magical, Malfoy (reincarnation)

Book&Literature · Bor902

Replied to LucyAzomonia

hahaha, exactly

Suddenly he threw himself on his back and started laughing hysterically. Ignoring his throbbing leg he walked over to the madly laughing swordsman, maybe he had ingested the cacti raw and was now hallucinating.

Prerequisites for Greatness (RWBY)

Prerequisites for Greatness (RWBY)

Anime & Comics · Bor902

Replied to Wyllt

Divine plot armour

"Bloody cold out here," Twix cursed before raising her wand again, causing Harry to instinctively step back. A twitch of the wooden stick and the barrier disappeared. The woman turned around and began her walk back to the castle. Harry managed to make himself unfreeze and follow.

The education of Harry Evans: A death well-lived (Reincarnation)

The education of Harry Evans: A death well-lived (Reincarnation)

Book&Literature · Bor902

Replied to Wyllt

:/, mature themes neccessary to write the story I wanted to write unfortunately

'The rape that has occurred recently at Hogwarts still remains unresolved. The victim has awoken from their short-term coma and appears to have been badly obliviated of the brutal attack, remembers nothing. Shockingly little done to uncover the assailant, reporter finds, potentially due to the victim's blood status.' by Breloom Skeeter. The article said in three succinct sentences. Finding his mother's fate, for all that he'd never met her, summarised so briefly on the last page made Harry want to burn the newspaper in his hands with his sorcery. A deep anger rose within him, one that he'd thought suppressed by now, - after all, he'd known about his origins for a long time now, for all that no one saw fit to explain them to his face - but no, all the rage was still there, along with a healthy dose of impotence and an abject disgust for the Wizarding World and humanity at large.

The education of Harry Evans: A death well-lived (Reincarnation)

The education of Harry Evans: A death well-lived (Reincarnation)

Book&Literature · Bor902
