
male LV 5
2018-06-23 เข้าร่วมแล้ว United States
ป้าย 12

Moments 14
1 years ago

Straight up insulting. Another story that is dragged down by the main character. He reincarnates and fails to be genre savvy instead spending wasting their time (and ours) by hiding their power. They join an academy to learn magic and then intentionally flub things to not be noticed. I enjoy this genre and adjacent ones however every enjoyable aspect of the genre is lost by the main character's stupidity. Their attempts at avoiding cliches introduced the ones that waste the reader's time and money the most. Pointlessly hiding power drags out the story instead of diving into the parts that make stories like this enjoyable. Social interactions, world building, the power system, and playing into the MC being genre savvy are what normally make stories like this enjoyable. This story fails on all of these points. Time skipped five years instead of any interaction that proves the MC cares for their parents/family. I don't have an issue with revealing the reincarnation but it isn't exactly in line with the way the MC is presented. A princess is attacked manipulated and taken advantage of and it is all brushed off. Forcing a garbage plotline to occur accurately when events went off rails literally years prior makes no sense. The MC is written as an author of the novel genre they are in, proofread the initial work, failed to identify it despite their sister being a major character with a very obvious name, and flips between eight grader syndrome and cold calculated mastermind. The character acts against the information given about them every time they aren't monologuing. Forced myself to read through most of the free chapters. I kept hoping the MC would actually do something to make the story interesting. They did not.

1 years ago
Replied to Raos_IOI

The information about the Garcia family was the only piece of meaningful information in this chapter. You will lose readers on a premium novel when only one paragraph is significant. This novel is very good but chapters like this will eventually stack up and readers will be irritated.

1 years ago
Replied to Death_Sounds

I have not bought privilege chapters but I am up to date otherwise. Quality continues so far. Inklings of interference from higher powers but they are short lived at this stage of the story. Chapters might feel short but it's well above average on this platform. I am currently keeping up to date on this story rather than a few others I have been paying attention to given the quality.

1 years ago
Replied to Raos_IOI

Unfortunately this novel has set up the beginning of a cycle of tropes that exists to undermine characters. Sudden interference by a higher power only known to the reader to manipulate the character on some fundamental level and thus undermine the value of their past and future choices. Reduce agency of the character by forcing them into a reactive state. Make them suffer physically mentally and emotionally until the author is satisfied that they deserve power. Repeat the process in the cycle until the novel gets dropped or the broken MC kills god. Allow brief periods of happiness at the end of story arcs to prevent people from dropping due to excessively heavy tone. Other connected tropes include nerfing the main character, betrayal for absolutely no reason other than to break the main character, and leaving them close to death (which eventually ceases to matter since they are always almost dead.) I am not saying this is what you have planned but more signs of this cycle appeared in this chapter.

1 years ago
Replied to Aurora_Ryan

This is a nice read. The feeling there are missing chapters will make it hard to keep interest as a new reader. Best of luck with revisions.

2 years ago
Replied to laziestgeko

There are only two individuals on the ninth summit at this point. Lure the master away and all that's left is someone who isn't even an immortal. Individuals able to kill the MC don't normally register as threats to the other summit leaders. Of course the MC isn't what they think so they can't succeed. Common sense in world says success is possible after luring the tiger away.

2 years ago
Replied to laziestgeko

The scariest problem is that no matter how good you are time is not on your side. You may be powerful in this age set, but some ancient threat always exists simply because they can live for a long time .

3 years ago
Replied to timberlord

The plan is to lure him out where his master won't help him. It's not like his master is always paying attention since he has his own duties.

3 years ago
Replied to JPNovelFan

Since Khan is the best among the group ability wise the Army could consider the other recruit's death to be a good trade. Rodney could have died any other way, but his likely execution will prove that Khan is worth working with. Recruit's are all expendable.