Chezebrelephaffe01 - Profile



LV 13

I like potatoes 🥔

2018-12-17 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global

ป้าย 9

Moments 11717


Imagine him carrying a couple scrolls filled with enough metals to create numerous "nearly indestructible" golems at any given point.. or already made golems that are ready to be used upon placement. That'd be neat.

He created formidable moves such as [Railgun], which transformed a simple coin into a devastating, high-velocity projectile, [Electromagnetic Propulsion], allowing him to move with incredible speed and agility, and [Golem], where he manipulated metal to form a massive, nearly indestructible guardian.

The Fifth Hokage Is Naruto's Uncle

The Fifth Hokage Is Naruto's Uncle

Anime & Comics · Dienekes


oh, so he is a transmigrated person.. or reincarnated.. either way.

As he stood there in silence, his thoughts drifted back to his previous life. He remembered being an ambitious orphan, constantly working to improve his situation, driven by the relentless pursuit of success. There was no time for personal joys or connections; his life had been consumed by work. In the end, he died in obscurity, a victim of his own overexertion.

The Fifth Hokage Is Naruto's Uncle

The Fifth Hokage Is Naruto's Uncle

Anime & Comics · Dienekes



Hiruzen's eyes narrowed slightly and Danzo's face darkened, his suspicion deepening. "Are you threatening us, Mirai?"

The Fifth Hokage Is Naruto's Uncle

The Fifth Hokage Is Naruto's Uncle

Anime & Comics · Dienekes

Replied to C0MRADE_CAT


The hidden ANBU operatives swiftly moved to encircle and protect the Hokage, their reactions sharp but ultimately too slow to intercept the lightning-fast attack. A tense oppressive silence soon followed the dramatic display of power. Even Danzo, who had been on his way out, stood motionless, sweat dripping from his forehead as memories of the Third World War flooded back to him.

The Fifth Hokage Is Naruto's Uncle

The Fifth Hokage Is Naruto's Uncle

Anime & Comics · Dienekes

Replied to Dr3am_wa1ker

yeah.. kind of odd way to describe a window haha

The beam traveled towards the Hokage building, slicing through the air like a hot knife through butter. It pierced a see-through wall in Hiruzen's office with pinpoint accuracy, leaving a clean hole in its wake.

The Fifth Hokage Is Naruto's Uncle

The Fifth Hokage Is Naruto's Uncle

Anime & Comics · Dienekes


maybe he's a transmigrator and he went back to his or to another world then after x amount of time got to or forced his way back here... or not lol.

Mirai paused, his chopsticks hovering over his bowl. The question was innocent, but the answer was complex. He took a deep breath. "I had important things to take care of, Naruto. Things that took me far away from the village. But I'm back now, and I promise I won't leave you again."

The Fifth Hokage Is Naruto's Uncle

The Fifth Hokage Is Naruto's Uncle

Anime & Comics · Dienekes


... what exactly was he going to do to stop him? lol


"Hiruzen!" Danzo's voice was harsh, filled with barely contained fury. "How could you allow that man to return and approach the Jinchuriki? Namikaze Mirai is a threat! He's dangerous and unpredictable!"

The Fifth Hokage Is Naruto's Uncle

The Fifth Hokage Is Naruto's Uncle

Anime & Comics · Dienekes


So Minato was the Superman persona and Mc is the Batman persona... also, with that personality it wouldn't be totally impossible for Naruto to actually be Mc's kid lol.

Hiruzen's memories of Mirai were starkly different. Mirai was a force of nature, intense and unyielding. His power was matched only by his fierce determination and his ruthlessness in battle. Where Minato's kindness drew people in, Mirai's presence commanded respect. Despite his loyalty to Konoha, Mirai had always been more enigmatic, his motivations and thoughts harder to read.

The Fifth Hokage Is Naruto's Uncle

The Fifth Hokage Is Naruto's Uncle

Anime & Comics · Dienekes

Replied to Iceling

well the last time anyone made note of his chakra was likely in the middle of a war. which is when it'd be displayed the most. I'm sure he's gotten stronger since but even if he was still at that level. 3 years out of war and he didn't get any weaker, that's a lot honestly.

Hiruzen's eyes scanned the contents of the scroll rapidly. As he read, his expression shifted from shock to deep concern. The detailed descriptions matched the reports from three years ago perfectly. Mirai's appearance, demeanor, and chakra were all unchanged, as if no time had passed.

The Fifth Hokage Is Naruto's Uncle

The Fifth Hokage Is Naruto's Uncle

Anime & Comics · Dienekes


reminds me of the episode of bleach when this dude finally opened his eyes lol. But if that happened in this place those people would probably be dead now lol.


As they strolled the street, Mirai noticed the villagers casting wary glances and whispering ill on the oblivious and excited Naruto. He could hear snippets of their harsh comments - "Demon fox" - "Monster" -. He would then turn his gaze on them. His eyes hardening as he let a flare of his humungous chakra outwards, a silent warning that silenced and made them avert their eyes.

The Fifth Hokage Is Naruto's Uncle

The Fifth Hokage Is Naruto's Uncle

Anime & Comics · Dienekes



*Notice- * (Hidden Bonus) You have saved the lives of two who despite their great potential, were always destined for tragic ends. You have changed their paths and changed destiny slightly in your favour. (+1 Luck Attribute has been granted.)

The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister

The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister

Book&Literature · HungryWolf2024

Replied to Chezebrelephaffe01

sorry for the long post lol.

Also future events, when Cersei had committed the fatal sin of complete stupidity and allowed the High Sparrow to re-militarized The Faith. My balls hurt just thinking that she could one day be a child of mine.

The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister

The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister

Book&Literature · HungryWolf2024



The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister

The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister

Book&Literature · HungryWolf2024
