Anime & Comics · BillNyeThePGGuy
can you make it so that only the sisters are forgiven, truly it wasn't their fault it was the parents fault they where too young to go against them.
Anime & Comics · AKIRA_0
can you make so they are forgiven, but not their parents, it wasn't the sister fault it was their parents
Anime & Comics · AKIRA_0
Anime & Comics · AKIRA_0
Anime & Comics · AKIRA_0
I'm not going to drop the novel the update is only late because of my work
Adam:" Yes. but the connection is always moving around sometimes when I close my eyes see where it is, right now it's inside a library in London but is always the same library but in different places and, I always see a woman with black long hair, red eyes, and a purple outfit that appears to be watching me."
Anime & Comics · ShadowRuina
yes but I will explain what happens in the next chapter
Mana comprehension is more about learning the secrets of mana to strengthen its power making low-level magic hit harder than normal.
- Train Mana preception to: ( SS )
Anime & Comics · ShadowRuina
Endless Plunder in High School DxD
Anime & Comics · DarkShadow95