according to whom?
Without Parseltongue, it would've been a far more challenging task. But the ability, which didn't truly belong to him, had proven invaluable.
Book&Literature · michaeI
I suppose if magical Britain is your entire world it might be true
"Of course!" Ron nodded. "Not everyone can do it. Only Slytherin's descendants…"
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The Slytherin password was appropriately elegant: "Opalstone."
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Montague in 5 years
Caught off guard in a safe environment, Montague hadn't anticipated an attack while he was relieving himself.
Book&Literature · michaeI
bad idea... flails are way too specialized as a weapon to be useful to witchers. Any other weapon would be more useful.
During practice, Harry could feel its superiority—more responsive direction changes, faster acceleration. The experience sparked a thought: perhaps he should try incorporating weapons like flails into his combat training.
Book&Literature · michaeI
so does the USA, the USA just has a preference for imperial while the UK has a preference for Metric.
"The Cleansweep tops out at 80 mph, but the Nimbus 2001 can reach 110 mph. It accelerates to 85 mph in just 10 seconds! No broomstick comes close to matching it!"
Book&Literature · michaeI
"If I didn't know Lockhart had a date with a seventh-year Hufflepuff last Thursday, I'd think he fancied you," George said with a grin.
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But as she returned to her office, she began to plot how to involve the Hufflepuff Head of House in Harry's relentless pursuit of knowledge. Three heads down, one to go.
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"Professor, shouldn't I be given detention?" Harry interrupted.
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he's giving up materials with little use in potions
"As long as you stay out of trouble," Snape immediately agreed on Dumbledore's behalf. "You can take all those worthless scraps back for your childish little armor games."
Hogwarts: Harry Potter’s Return from the Witcher World
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