IngisRattus - Profile


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Los peces no son amigos ni comida, los mariscos son comida y amigos, los pulpos son amigos

2018-04-17 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Bolivia

ป้าย 5

Moments 57


90-105 Years aprox.

Liara - ? old. The best Prothean Expert the galaxy has. Has the potential to surpass her mother, Matriarch Benezia, in every aspect.

Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

Video Games · Pop0


"Molecule" was mentioned by 1st time in 1620, The founders were dead for more than 500 years before that mention

"Let's move on to my favorite Transfiguration. Transfiguration is a branch of magic that focuses on the alteration of the form or appearance of an object, via the alteration of the object's molecular structure. Transfiguration can be done to most if not all objects. You are never to use transfiguration on a living being especially yourself. The same goes for transforming anything into a liquid. The liquid would evaporate and fill the air and anyone's lungs in the area. Imagine you turn wood into water then that water evaporates and you breathe it in then your spell wears off you now have wood in your lungs. Transfiguration is regarded as very hard work and more scientific than any other form of magic."

I’m Harry Potter (MCU Xover)

I’m Harry Potter (MCU Xover)

Book&Literature · AlienWarlord


7 watches, 7 daily suits, 7 pijamas, 7 girls, you know, the usual

"Padfoot? How in Merlin's name did you know about this?" he asked in disbelief. In front of him was a box with seven luxury watches in them; one for every day of the week. Harry had been drooling over them ever since he saw them from outside the window of a shop in Muggle London. He found himself strangely obsessed with the number seven but didn't give it much thought.

Harry Potter and the Lightning Lord

Harry Potter and the Lightning Lord

Book&Literature · Moon_Lord_


All records indicate mages have the capabilty to live more than 100 years, Dumbledore more or less 150, Muriel Weasley more than 105 years, Bathilda Bagshot, more than 170 Years (she was Gellert's Aunt), Armando Dippet more than 300 years, Newt Scamander more than 110 years, other mages couldn't survive more longer because many reasons: failed experiment, beast attack, magical pathogens, and during firsrt to third war: avrada cadabra

The Dark Lord was an old man, nearly one hundred years of age, though he didn't look much older than forty. He looked over his shoulder and noticed the presence of his most loyal servant, the one who had stood by him through nearly ninety years of life, wars, happiness, loss, and death. His servant looked back at him with his held head high, as his master had ordered him all those years ago. He too was old.

Paid In Blood (Harry Potter Fanfic)

Paid In Blood (Harry Potter Fanfic)

Book&Literature · Moon_Lord_


A few moments later: "just a frech kiss between firends, rigth?" A few inches later: "just a f*** between friends, rigth?"

"Oh, that light peck?" he asked in false surprise, "What that was just a show of my appreciation, and it was nothing more than something between friends, right?"

Wizard King

Wizard King

Book&Literature · Mark_Ward


That name... I guess we're expecting githyanky and gythzerai too?

"Don't feel bad for it," Sirius amended as he patted him on the back. "The Illithids are an evil and sadistic race, they would have done the same and much, much more worse to any wizard that they could get their hands on."

Wizard King

Wizard King

Book&Literature · Mark_Ward


Invoco... 3 tacos volador

"Yes," Sirius said then in a much more pleading tone he requested. "You will be surprised with all the stuff you could find in this world, if you look closely, pup. Us wizards have been at the cutting edge of progress and invocation for countless years."

Wizard King

Wizard King

Book&Literature · Mark_Ward


Anticannon, Mcgonagall took more than 5 minutes

"Cough, cough…" Seeing that the Sorting Hat seemed to be going on forever, Professor McGonagall coughed lightly and reminded the Sorting Hat on the stage to get to work.

Hogwarts:Bloodline Wizard

Hogwarts:Bloodline Wizard

Book&Literature · Innocent Angel


Ollivanders was a workshop since 382B.C. In theory, never says they made only wands, it could be anything: staffs swords, clubs... bokken

Unbeknownst to Ollivander, the art of crafting wands had only emerged a few centuries ago. Dracula had long grown accustomed to harnessing his innate magic of a vampire, relying on the raw, untamed power coursing through his veins to engage in battles and ensure his survival. The notion of relying on a wand to focus his abilities felt foreign to him, a relic of a relatively recent magical development.

Hogwarts: Vampire Professor

Hogwarts: Vampire Professor

Book&Literature · NotyourAngel


Dr. Maxkyll and Mr. Fluff,

The intravenous injection of the substance slowly and surely transforms the experimental magical creature into the original chimera. However, its overall characteristics differ from the original by a third in the direction of weakening. But according to the wizard-experimentalist, this is not the result that is needed because the original goal is to hide your development among ordinary magical animals. That's when he came up with the last stage of processing the green fluid substance - a complex ritual was performed over it, during which strict conditions were set to transform the animal into a chimera. The wizard-experimentalist chose a complex mental impulse as the conditions for the animal to turn into a chimera at the wizard's will but assured that the conditions could be anything from a banal fracture of the little finger of the animal's left paw to some environmental conditions. In the absence of conditions, the animal can calmly live its normal life and even die without ever transforming. At the same time, it is possible to fine-tune the conditions of transferring "chimera essence" to the animal's relatives or to block this function at all.

Harry Potter: New World

Harry Potter: New World

Movies · HPMan



Then we talked about all sorts of little things until Madame Malkin brought my set of clothes. We paid at the exit, and I put the purchases in my backpack. The next item was a shop with consumables such as pens, ink, parchments, and other little things. Next is the bookstore, but the crowd has not diminished, and it looks like the situation has even worsened. To my surprise, I noticed a red-haired family hurrying from the bank in our direction. And of course, Harry Potter was with them. Still the same shabby, but in an expensive robe. The absurdity of the highest measure! But communicating with the Weasleys, he will never understand that something is wrong with his form. Everything on redheads is always shabby. He is with them just like a native!

Harry Potter: New World

Harry Potter: New World

Movies · HPMan


Also Max:


"GRYFFINDOR!" the hat screamed to the whole room, and McGonagall immediately took it off me.

Harry Potter: New World

Harry Potter: New World

Movies · HPMan


Never give you up never say goodbye

Guys, what's up with the most liked reviews being the ones that are the shittiest? Makes me sad... show the book some love. Pretty please?🥺

Marvel: I'm a Symbiote

Marvel: I'm a Symbiote

Movies · Addyctive7


Charlie wasn't Harry grandpa, but Flimont, a brother maybe? or the author is creating new characters?

'Hmm, this must be Harry's grandfather. Getting close to the Potters wouldn't be a bad idea, as I could get close to Harry Potter and make sure I have nothing to worry about. That is if he's even born after all I've changed. I know that I'm not going to go all dark lord and cause the need for a savior, so there should be no prophesy to slay me, but who knows what could happen in the future. I should play it safe and do my best to not start any prophesy about me. I would rather not have the main character, who could have plot armor, to come after me. Although I may be the main character now. Wow, that was trippy to think about.' Tom thought and just decided to go with the flow.

I’m Voldemort (MCU Xover)

I’m Voldemort (MCU Xover)

Movies · AlienWarlord
