Webnovel Author: Supernova_ - Novel Collection



male LV 11
2019-04-19 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global

ป้าย 6

Moments 43


He doesn't trust Waed does he? 😂

"I said the same thing," Waed muttered, shooting a confused look at Pyrrhus.

Infernal Monarch

Infernal Monarch

Fantasy · Den_of_wolves



"I've never seen people from outside before!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with wonder. "And he's a prince! Do you think he's lived in those tall castles grandpa Jonathan talked about?"

Infernal Monarch

Infernal Monarch

Fantasy · Den_of_wolves




"Magic is like this blade," Bram's voice resonated, each word a hammer blow. "A tool, a weapon, dangerous to the wielder as much as the enemy. Mages hold their mana in check by their lifeforce. But lose control, even for a heartbeat..." He opened his fist, metal shards raining down. "...and it explodes, taking you with it. You become a wraith, a monster."

Infernal Monarch

Infernal Monarch

Fantasy · Den_of_wolves


Just beat him up once. Being a kid, no one will really blame him 😏

Pyrrhus hesitated, his anger warring with his better judgment. He knew Sera was right. This wasn't the time or place for a confrontation. With a frustrated sigh, he turned away, his jaw clenched tight. He would deal with Finn later.

Infernal Monarch

Infernal Monarch

Fantasy · Den_of_wolves


He's gonna do more than blow you away


Finn's smirk widened. "What are you gonna do, baby? Blow me away with your wind?"

Infernal Monarch

Infernal Monarch

Fantasy · Den_of_wolves


I really like the way everything seems to be written around fire. The book, chapter names, his name - feels great for some reason

The tears spilled over Anya's eyes, landing on John's head. "*Since the fire will protect him*," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion, "*let it be his shield. We will name him Pyrrhus.*"

Infernal Monarch

Infernal Monarch

Fantasy · Den_of_wolves

Replied to OnikunStudios

At the end of the day, zombies are flesh and blood while the wall is concrete 🤷

Clenching his teeth through the anguish, Ethan bore down, unrelenting in his assault on the wall. Punch after punch, kick after kick, he relentlessly hammered the unforgiving barrier, with a single, unwavering goal – to carve a hole large enough for his escape. The intensity of the moment had rendered his knuckles raw, his skin frayed and bloodied, but he pressed on with relentless fury, knowing that his escape hinged on this wall's demise.

The Omega Dawn

The Omega Dawn

Fantasy · Supernova_

Replied to The_divine_oracle

Nice one 👍

Horror gripped Lila, freezing her in place. The noise pierced her like a searing needle as she tried to comprehend what she had just witnessed. "Martial arts?" she uttered in disbelief.

The Omega Dawn

The Omega Dawn

Fantasy · Supernova_

Replied to wewa_cat

Haha :)

And there, before her, stood another figure—a figure that chilled her to the bone. It was a zombie, its rotten flesh clinging to skeletal bones, its vacant eyes staring into the abyss.

The Omega Dawn

The Omega Dawn

Fantasy · Supernova_

Replied to Den_of_wolves

I second that

Despite his precarious situation, Ethan felt his face heating up. "There's no code. It's English," he retorted, his tone edged with defensiveness for reasons he couldn't quite understand.

The Omega Dawn

The Omega Dawn

Fantasy · Supernova_

Replied to Den_of_wolves

Lol :) That was a quick turnaround

Lila met his panicked gaze but offered no comfort. "It's necessary," she said, her voice steady. Her hand pressed a button on a remote control.

The Omega Dawn

The Omega Dawn

Fantasy · Supernova_

Replied to Den_of_wolves

Can't deny that

"Ow!" Ethan cried out in pain, a sharp, throbbing sensation surging from his nose. "What was that for?"

The Omega Dawn

The Omega Dawn

Fantasy · Supernova_

Replied to The_Sweet_Dumpling

Me neither. Writing won't earn any points on a post-apocalyptic resume.

The world had crumbled, a desolate wasteland haunted by the echoes of a past civilization. The apocalypse had come swiftly, culling through humans like wheat in the harvest season. Zombies and mutants roamed the land, preying on the few surviving humans.

The Omega Dawn

The Omega Dawn

Fantasy · Supernova_
