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i like read novel

2018-04-11 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Italy
ป้าย 5

Moments 12
1 years ago
Replied to nome_cognome

the force is divided in cosmic force and living force, the living force is in all life, the cosmic force is in all that is not life, by this definition you can see the energy of the sorcerer have part of the cosmic force is just that the jedi/sith dont have access to "cosmic dimension" the realms where those energy are in mcu (i belive space/time energy are exeption, maybe more not sure), as for midichlorians is what give jedi/sith the talent/conductivity with the force, the wizard from HP should be in similar situation (it depend if you go the "magic core" route or the "magic conductor" route, the former dont nessesarily as talent is sorcery while the former probably does, if they conduct "hp magic energy" why not other energy in another universe? ) in theory the sorcerer supreme should not know about the force at all, and if she does should not have the same view on it as the jedi, but it tie well with the whole "dormammu dark energy to stay alive" as any sith whole be proud of her! if you dont see the connection i dont know what to say! it also tie well with the whole access to more then just light and dark as that is what the jedi/sith are doing, again if the author dont what him to get op (yet) is fine, just commented for avoid a plot hole, i just writed the comment to help him cause i like the story in what direction he wants the novel to go is up to him (im a lurker i never type) this is the only novel that i bothered commenting in years, this says a lot... (my english is not the best)

1 years ago
Replied to nome_cognome

you are right on the player be born on earth, but they keep appering and disappearing out of thin air, there is no way that dosen't get the ancient one attention, as for the mihawk part... dude she will know that he is going to attack her somthing like a month in advantage, she can solve cosmic entites for 700+ year you think she can solve even mihawk? if you a talking about destruction then yes mihawk as the upper hand (at least if she dosen't charge some magic ahead of time) but a sorcerer dont play fair... as for the force not being like the energy in mcu, normaly you are right, but is code is built on the line of trought "if the force similar to an elder god of the cthulhu mythos?" the way he interact with it should have so many similarity to the sorcerers. As a metter of fact im fine with not throwing him to kamar taj he will become too op too fast, but sooner or later he will have to go and become a real space wizard

1 years ago

"The sorcerers of antiquity called the use of this language spells. But if that word offends your modern sensibilities, you can call it a program, the source code that shapes reality. We harness energy drawn from other dimensions of the Multiverse to cast spells to conjure shields and weapons to make magic." ―Ancient One to Doctor Strange there is no way that the mc with is midichlorians is not a perfect sorcerer, in fact is a natural space wizard! on a planet with actual space sorcerer there is no way that a jedi dosen't "feel" them and the other way around (well the ancient one at least) i dont know what you are planning with the whole "player going in and out of earth while the ancient one ignore them" situation, but there is no way around it unless the tavern is influencing her, and if you compare the ancient one to mihawk im afraid 100 mihawk still can't nothing as she just need to make a mirror dimension and leave them to starve inside it....

1 years ago

if used well they are ok, for exemple: training arc, if you do a mini flashback about tython (when he was training) is fine, on the contrary if you show too much of the training it will take too long and get annoying, so using flashbacks for training arc in my opinion is ok! as for others i guess it depend form the situation, Naruto is a prime exemple in well done flackbacks but the over use of them make me hate every single one of them, if done once or twice but very well they can be enjoyable...

I also heavily dislike flashbacks and will never use them. If you need a flashback to explain something, then you obviously didn't explain it right the first time, and using Flashbacks to reveal something as a surprise is just lazy.

The Reincarnator's Tavern

The Reincarnator's Tavern

Movies · GnomeBob

1 years ago
Replied to GnomeBob

I'm happy that you have a clear idea! As long is just the MC I can accept it, because if you stretch the definition of sentient begin too many things will fall under that category, just in OP there are swords, ships, robots... (let's not talk about HP is simpler list what doesn't fall under that category) but what appen if they pay points? I mean I can already see a fake thanos gauntlet with 5 KC that have 5 logia or paramecia .... (a wannabe mandarin with 10 ring? I mean I'm pretty sure the original ring of mandarin are semisentient) It can be fun or it can get out of hand....

1 years ago

Let HK eat a zoan!!! (i advice hito-hito model:whateveryouwant or you can take the mascot route) As for the lightsaber the zoan doesn't fit and in canon just zoan can be feed to inanimate object. If you want a lightsaber upgrade you can let vegapunk teach him(or find vegapunk old lab like franky), is base in tech should not be bad considering that he can thinker with is lightsaber and well starwars tech knowledge are more advanced, but they are not as wacky as one piece (i mean franky literally use cola as fuel) or you can go with the "wano" route, make a vibroblade with kyber crystal the Je'daii didn't use lightsaber, you can make a black Force-imbued blade with haki. (google tell me that's what the Je'daii used, from the image there are rune engraving on the blade you might bs your way thought with divine script and give nen ability to the blade, if you want) You are doing amazing in not butchering canon, if you give is lightsaber a logia/paramecia you need to give logia/paramecia to the item of other player as well... I think is fine to put a non-canon devilfruit, but i dont think is a good idea breaking canon "rules" for a cheap upgrade when there are other way, is also more in line with the mc, with is personality i dont think you can have him kill somebody for the sake of stealing a devilfruit.

2 years ago

i just used the calculator if he get 1 point for sec the result is over 31mil in 1 year, if you are going to make him stop using the system for some years you need to give him more or less what is suppose to get in those years (or annoying reader like me will notice :D ) if it get too op just increase how much he need to spend after stat 1000 or something like that. btw at the speed is now 0.1 every 3 sec (2 point for min) is a bit over 1m in 1 year, just try to give more or less correct estimate after time skip...

2 years ago

do not limit yourself you can give a death/mind/soul ring to a crow and you get Morrigan or make sculpt a monkey stone statue and give it vitality/chi/reality ring and you get Sun Wukong (there should be something like immortal dragon in marvel with immortal chi or whatever) anyway you can make legends and gods come to life dont limit yourself to humans history.

3 years ago

Rest well even if you take a week is fine, when visiting tourist spot watch out for pickpockets.

GOJO: A Sorcerer in the Soul Society

GOJO: A Sorcerer in the Soul Society

Anime & Comics · HIKARU_GENJI

3 years ago