I and millions of others know it well, it because women don't get what they want out of a man. so, they use the child as leverage, end in good men become obsolete. causing the destruction of a good home, and a striving family.
I don't really know why or how he and my supposed mother got together as they were total opposites, as all I know is that she kept calling him the scum of the earth and a deadbeat. But looking at him now shows that was a lie as he looked well put together, and she was falling apart.
Others · _ANANSI_
I thought so to
Others · _ANANSI_
It's not dropped I'm just busy, as I have had a lot going in my life but i hope to pick up the pace.
Others · _ANANSI_
In the movie Jessica had long straight hair played by Anna Kendrick, but in the books, its curly.
At the table, I met the short curly haired girl by the name of Jessica and the other cornsilk hair girl was Lauren Mallory.
Others · _ANANSI_
I don't know yet, haven't gotten that far in thought.
I can't tell if it's a good or a bad thing, but I will take it none the less.
I didn't think about cops really, it's the only thing in my workplace that they bring in constantly. as usually for blue collar jobs and military it a must. and I like donuts, better then cupcakes and cookies.
"I also have donuts in the fridge and some soda's as well, if you want some" she said as she started to type.
Others · _ANANSI_
Sorry about that man, I'm going to update it.
"Fine I make no promises, but I'm more of a living single type anyway." I said, be for walking out to my next class.
Others · _ANANSI_