
male LV 5


2018-03-18 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global
ป้าย 4

Moments 10
1 years ago
Replied to Asdq

i forgot to write lvl 1 :)

1 years ago

Good so far. Will he teach breathing thingy to anyone? If he teaches ned before he left , We can see how its effects the person in battle (for no gamer npcs .d). And with this u can write fillers to gain time for to make your future planning for story easier.

1 years ago
Replied to BlackStar_BH

"In a world of vast seas, In an unknown timeline;" it is One piece right? So other kaido will eat it ? so when we can see kaido vs kaido .d

2 years ago

This one. Beacuse if he grew up in Minas Tirith he would be a litle bit outside of Westeros storyline.

Boromir dies to the Uruk-hai at the end of LoTR The Fellowship Of The Ring and is reborn in the body of baby Ned Stark

The Weirwood Wolf ( Game of Thrones )

The Weirwood Wolf ( Game of Thrones )

TV · Telling_Tall_Tales

3 years ago
Replied to Arthur123

In this case direwolfs are representing people not House Stark itself.

"This is Winter, your grace," I said patting Winter's back. "A direwolf, he is. I found him and his cubs outside of Winterfell, a tree had fallen onto his mate so the cubs needed nursing and we had taken them in. Six cubs were still alive so I gave each of them to children and they grew together."

Game of Thrones: Rise of the North [Dropped]

Game of Thrones: Rise of the North [Dropped]

TV · YellowScarf

3 years ago
Replied to YellowScarf

But a country's map shape can be different from it's real shape(exp Russia).

On the other hand, the economy of the North was growing but I didn't want this economy to be dependent on food. The North was as big as three other kingdoms and we had great mountain ranges. I was surprised at why the previous rulers did not look at the mountains for raw ores because I watched every one of their lives and none of them had done something about mining for precious materials like gold, diamond and other things.

Game of Thrones: Rise of the North [Dropped]

Game of Thrones: Rise of the North [Dropped]

TV · YellowScarf

3 years ago
Replied to ArslanII

What i am above my domain limit ?! Ohh,there is one man going to die and he doesn't have a heir so land will return to me. I choose you soon to be dead man.

3 years ago
Replied to Henri_Risius

But marriage with vassals house happened. Benjen gonna marry Dacey Mormont. Their children will have Stark blood(magical blood).Then their grand children gonna have it to . Even if they are girls when they marry member of some other house stark blood will pass on. Starks should married to their vassals houses. There should be lots of magic in their blood to.

3 years ago

If Lord Stark was a professional CK player he would say "Rob say good bye to world . It isn't something personal. You just don't have genius trait!!!"