Yeah, I'm not pleased with the direction things were going, but we can only wait and see the end result. Thanks for reading!
I'll be honest and say I don't remember, BUT, at least in my fic, she is able to have children. Thanks for reading!
Five months later, and I still don't know if it's one or two L... I'll fix it when I decide which one, lol.
Vallery had no choice but to accept it all. The milk was already long spilled, trying to stop it now meant nothing.
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They, as Sovereign, the Geth, and the rest of their forces, took the Thorian by force from Feros, using Reaper tech. I mentioned this fact in one of the Thessia chapters. Thanks for reading!
Soon, they arrived at the facility where the Thorian was supposed to be located.
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He did win without using the Citadel in a past cycle, but the price was too high. I will add more details about this in the future. Thanks for the feedback!
It was something he set for himself, to enjoy a little more time with his mom, because after he hit 18, he would not stop to rest until the Reapers were annihilated and, even after that, there could be trouble within the post-war problems, so he had to enjoy the time he had right now.
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Fixed! Thanks for the help!
Things were just like that in his cycle too. While he was born decades later from the begginign of the war, the politics at his time were also pretty bad.
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Fixed! Thanks for the help!
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So why hasn't Samael started building it by now? Also, yes, this will be a plot point in the future, so SPOILERS! Thanks for reading!
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They weren't ready. The Asari as a species doesn't focus on that. Think about it, if this was Palluven, the homeworld of the Turians, I would agree 100% with you that it was impossible for all hospitals to be destroyed, but this is Thessia, a place where the species that reside there don't exactly live there, as most of them go out to live their long life. The Geth also focused on destroyed buildings, so that explains why almost all places in the capital city were in ruins. Also remember that in the timeline, everyone was still ok-ish with one another, the last grand war being the First Contact War, which had no Asari involvement. They were one of the strongest races in the galaxy, yes, but they objectively thought they were strong enough that no one would attack their home place, and that led to this. Their arrogance cost a lot of lives. Thanks for the feedback!
Clare had asked Samael to go to the infirmary to check his eyes. To be honest, all medical facilities in Thessia were destroyed, and the omni tool wasn't exactly a medical tool that could analyze the true extent of the injury, so the treatment was rough.
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Yeah, he is on my top 3 too.
'' Grunt! Grunt! I liked the sound of that!''
Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)
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