Drakyll - Profile


male LV 5

I enjoy reading a lot

2018-02-26 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Lebanon

ป้าย 14

Moments 7


You should have called a witcher.

He then continues, "The ghoul is giving trouble with its endless horde, so you must succeed in this operation no matter the cost. You know how it is, so don't hesitate even if it cost your lives, get that soldier?!", the Sergeant Major looks at each of Rex, Edward, and Kyle right on the eyes. 

The Invincible Full-Moon System

The Invincible Full-Moon System

Fantasy · Mrboogey13


this feels like the night before Christmas 🎄

A boy who looks no more than five years old is comfortably lying on his bed while his mother skims through his hair gently caressing it with love.

The Invincible Full-Moon System

The Invincible Full-Moon System

Fantasy · Mrboogey13


Damn those onion cutting ninjas so evil

'Now he won't have any hold on you, my dear son, and you will think that your mother was just a weak woman. I hope that like this you will grow strong in the Balvan family and you won't do anything reckless. Be safe my dear.'

Birth of the Demonic Sword

Birth of the Demonic Sword

Eastern · Eveofchaos


So anticlimactic lolzz

Birth of the Demonic Sword

Birth of the Demonic Sword

Eastern · Eveofchaos


You know shit is about to go down when you use a move named after you

Being the most perceptive in the entire Coliseum, Jack quickly realized the problem of a prolonged engagement, so, before the barrier could be compromised his aura surged even more as his figure vanished from view. At the same time, seemingly echoing through the void itself, his voice could be heard uttering, "Rakan Impact!" as he reappeared behind Theo. A combination of magic and ki had been forcibly amalgamated into a rudimentary sphere in his right hand, and, though it wasn't a true fusion of the two energies, the destructive potential contained within was monstrous.

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa intensifises

Immediately following his outburst, a massive crimson aura erupted from Jack's body like a raging inferno. All the blood that had caked his body seemed to evaporate in an instant, and, though his natural regeneration had always been high, even his thumb began to heal at a noticeable rate. At the same time, his spiky hair became even more pronounced as the long bangs that usually framed his face began to flare upward against the pull of gravity.

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion


1 miracle coming right up

Thinking of the worst, Yggdrillia, appearing as an Elvan woman with uncharacteristically brown skin, brown hair, and shorter-than-average ears, tucked her knees up to her chest so that she could hug them. She appeared completely naked, but, unlike a 'normal' woman, she didn't possess secondary sexual characteristics or reproductive organs. Instead, her body was covered in intricate white runes that glowed within the shadow of her own canopy. Her pale blue eyes, displaying a melancholy that had been cultivated over thousands of years, stared out over the horizon, hoping and praying for a miracle that had never come...

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion
