"Good health to you, Chairman Obama."
Eastern · Toward a Piece of Writing
No, because he has already seen that he doesn't have complete control over them, so the deal is: If we find each other's team and get in a fight, as long as you don't kill me, I'll pay you
And for Kevin, getting what he wanted—an assurance of safety in the exam from a Wizard Apprentice who was essentially a predator—seemed undoubtedly worthwhile.
Eastern · Gaining Knowledge Through Exploration
I mean, he's right
Zhang Wentao had no idea what Lu Wu was thinking and thought he was overwhelmed by his enthusiasm.
Urban · Angry Laugh
He still read a newspaper with, as this paragraph says, supposedly leaked info, which means that this brief analysis should have appeared then. And he also shouldn't be surprised that someone else knows.
My mind raced. There was only one demon who could've leaked that info to the press – my dear brother Bobby. That slimeball owned a newspaper, and apparently had no qualms about airing the family's dirty laundry.
Movies · NewComer714
MTL translates any synonym of Transmigration as time traveling, don't know if technically but for sure in practice.
Because of the time travel, he always had a sense of guilt as if he were an intruder taking someone else's place.
Urban · Angry Laugh
I'm conflicted on these system quests. On the one hand, as a frequent Webnovel reader I KNOW he will succeed, if not always then most times. On the other, I appreciate not having to go through a false question(?) of wether he will or not. Still, I do like to know the potential rewards in advance.
[The Good, The Bad and The Ugly successfully reached 100 million box office!]
Movies · NewComer714
You've convinced me
Yeah. Just like with "The Demonfather" where I played Michael Corleone, I'm taking on a role in "The Lord of the Rings." Aragorn, to be precise.
Movies · NewComer714
HP is gonna need a major overhaul to be successful, me thinks
I didn't stop there. In the novel category, I snagged "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" for a cool 200 thousand points. It's not cheap, and the prices for the subsequent volumes and "Lord of the Rings" movies are even higher. But I'm not too worried. Each of these will help me rake in both entertainment points and cold, hard cash.
Movies · NewComer714
Zheng Fa: ... You two didn't target me specifically, but I feel like you both cursed quite nastily.
Cultivation: I Have Studied Abroad in the Modern World
Eastern · Big and bald head