if changing from two to one chapter day makes u avoid burn out. Go for it. I like the novel and would prefer that it keep going.
thx for the chapters
The story develop slowly. For me that's what makes this awesome, because instead of overpowered mcs from the start, we see one who develops himself and those around him. His growth and his actions are meaningful and build on themselfs to create an amazing story.
dont kill ratata again, please...
Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet
More chapters, please.
Pretty good plot in a already existing background, however the translation could improve and I personally dislike the use of third person narration that, sometimes, is used.
So made some changes, and now you can read this book five times a week.
Book&Literature · YashVardhan_OG
any chance of a mass release coming soon?
loving it, so far
Good. I like the concept and would be glad to read more. However, this one shot is not enough for me to judge the quality of this story. It has a good beggining, but I need to see more of the worldbuilding, other characters, their interludes. So, post more. I would enjoy reading the next chapters.
How to Survive as an Uchiha
Anime & Comics · Malphegor