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LV 15

Shh secrets are secrets

2018-02-02 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global

ป้าย 27

Moments 59


good messengers are hard to come by...

With a single point of his long spear, a powerful light burst out, instantly killing the messenger.

I Fabricated the Techniques, but my disciple really mastered them?

I Fabricated the Techniques, but my disciple really mastered them?

Eastern · Half a clear breeze


Keep saying that Ves, that heart demon will just simply get stronger...

Besides, Ves had already gotten rid of his desire to pilot mechs. The mech piloting was mutually exclusive to mech design. There was no way for him to transform his willpower and become a high-ranking mech pilot.

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor


It's okay Ves, just become a pilot and it will all work out! Mech designer Ves just happens to be serving Pilot Ves!

"Mech designers exist to serve mech pilots, not themselves. This design project… is powerful alright, but if it is solely centered around me, then it is not appropriate to treat it as my main goal. At most, I can work on it as a side project if I have enough time."

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor


At the end of the day, she still made her choice...

He found it disturbing that despite getting rid of the influence of the crown, the Polymath still talked about it as if she had no remorse for her decisions and actions!

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor


Could this be a cultivator? [img=update]

It had grown into a spiritually reactive material in a completely organic fashion!

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor


Making more incarnations is a way to get all those extra paths eventually

"I already have Blinky and Vulcan. Both of their domains are significantly different from mine. The Spiritual Ascension upgrade track already mentioned that it is able to help me create more incarnations. I wonder how many different versions of myself I can make if that's the case?"

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor


rational mech designers want

Ves was not so quick to dismiss the value of these 'boring' mech designers.

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor


Could always be worse!

Unfortunately, this was definitely one of the worst instances!

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor


What a callous disregard of potential consequences. Guess Ves will be hit with more karmic retribution later.

After Helena put in enough energy into the Death Lotus to pose a serious threat against a dark god, she gleefully pulled the trigger!

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor


Arrogance personified...

Helena smirked as she put the mug back on its place. "I am a god, not a mere 'spirit' as you call it. I wield one of the fundamental forces of nature and reality. I am the embodiment of death in many of its facets. I AM A DEATH GODDESS WHO CAN HARVEST LIFE AND SOW DEATH WHENEVER I PLEASE! BILLIONS OF HEXERS HAVE BEGUN TO WORSHIP ME AND MILLIONS OF LIVES HAVE ALREADY BEEN SACRIFICED IN MY NAME! BOW BEFORE ME, BROTHER, AND ACKNOWLEDGE MY POWER AS I HAVE SLAIN AN OPPOSING GOD AND BEATEN BACK ANOTHER PAIR OF DEITIES WITHIN THE FIRST MINUTE OF MY BIRTH!"

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor


Here is one way to make sure that a parent absolutely will not get respect - especially in the future from the kids

His wife looked at Ves as if he was being stupid again. "Do you hear that, Aurelia? Dum-dum here is trying to ruin your future. Never listen to what he says when he is contradicting me, okay?"

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor


lacking humility, what a shameful princess

Morava turned on her heels as if a scorpion had bitten her. "Apologize?" she yelled. "I am a princess. I don't apologize to people, and especially not when they are going to attack my kingdom!" 

The Alpha's Temptation

The Alpha's Temptation

Fantasy · MishaK


Would she make them wear that green hat as well?

The guards wore a black uniform with the golden crest embroidered on the chest of their shirt. The servants wore crimson uniforms—something she was going to change. Her favorite color was green and she was going to make the servants wear green. From the corner of her eye, she saw a young female servant with a uniform whose neckline was slightly low so that it showed some of her breasts. Morava's expressions turned dark. She committed the servant's face to her memory to punish her later and she also made a decision that she wasn't going to allow servants to wear such revealing dresses once she became queen. 

The Alpha's Temptation

The Alpha's Temptation

Fantasy · MishaK


just as phase whales do

He did. He also thought the Transhumanists were even crazier than he previously thought! Only nutjobs would regard the act of designing mechs as preparations for designing their own future bodies!

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor


Can't help but think of the legendary stone monkey...

"Imagine a beautiful garden filled with lightning. Now, imagine a stupid, ugly, and immovable rock in the middle of your garden. That's what these things are."

Sword God in a World of Magic

Sword God in a World of Magic

Fantasy · Warmaisach


Sometimes putting on restraints can help improve your basic control though...

On top of that, Shang wouldn't get an opportunity to test and train with his full power.

Sword God in a World of Magic

Sword God in a World of Magic

Fantasy · Warmaisach


Healing sword sounds pretty cool for those on the saintly path...

If Shang attacked his enemy with Light, they would become stronger. If he wanted to use it on a friend, the sword would need to strike them first. That would essentially injure and heal them, making it useless.

Sword God in a World of Magic

Sword God in a World of Magic

Fantasy · Warmaisach
