Well he is a Fox😂😂
He realized Naruto was becoming as "annoying" as Shihōin Yoruichi.
Anime & Comics · Bleam
Both of them is char black
[What a pity... A beautiful girl like Rias, falling for a pervert like the protagonist.]
Anime & Comics · DogLickerGods
Bro slowly becoming gojo😂😂😂
Clarisse jumped over the table, trying to snatch Lucian's phone, but Lucian was quicker and stuck his tongue out while flashing a peace sign.
Book&Literature · Shadow_D_Monarch3
Beware of the Old Blood
I gave a smile that probably didn't quite reach my eyes, "I've been a hunter of monsters too. Many times over. Monsters and Beasts, born of Old Blood…"
Anime & Comics · Daddy
"Ah~!" Cass' 'words' were so lewd that Kara had to cover her eyes instead of her ears. "L-L-LEEEWWDD~!"
Anime & Comics · Daddy
Didi tittered and fluttered her fingers in a wave, "Hello~!"
Anime & Comics · Daddy
Like anyone cat
There had been a slight hiccup this time. Mew's partner had forgotten to let Mew out of its ball. The ball was comfy but Mew liked to be free! Free to fly and explore and 'mischief' to its heart's content!
Anime & Comics · Daddy
Anime & Comics · Daddy
That was all Kara managed to get out before Diana — Wonder Woman — shut the door to the locker in her face and left her younger friend to stew in her embarrassment. She was left inside the locker with a VERY amused Sean while she listened to Diana muffle chuckles of her own on the other side of the door. And Kara… pouted.
Anime & Comics · Daddy
Not really
Now, I know everyone must have forgotten most of the contents of the book, so... I'm going post a summary of all volumes in the next chapter.
HP: The Arcane Thief
Anime & Comics · Snollygoster