Fallingpheonix - Profile


male LV 14

An avid reader of fantasy

2018-01-28 เข้าร่วมแล้ว United States

ป้าย 17

Moments 26


The Gloom would be intermediate level too wouldn't it? With oddish being the junior lvl pokemon

So far the fastest battles have been won by 3 people, one with a Bulbasaur, one with a Wartortle, and one with a Chimchar.

Pokemon : Aura of Darkness

Pokemon : Aura of Darkness

Anime & Comics · Immortle_diablo123

Replied to GuyTB

I believe 3 is right, one of the parents carry the combined bloodline of merlin and Morgana, sence they had a child thanks to the gods interference, and then the 3rd would be whichever parent didnt carry that bloodline. could be wrong tho

[Instead, I decided to loosen the seals on your soul just enough that the power of your soul forced the three bloodlines within you to coalesce into a single one that still has the uniqueness of all of them. You will have to explore more about the power your soul has but I believe you will understand in time. It will not affect the scans from the vaults of little Merlin and Morgana, if that was a concern you had.]

Journey of Cian

Journey of Cian

Book&Literature · MrNecro

Replied to AlwaysWatching

To be fair, he didnt lend out the dragons or anything, if you go back and look youl see that he's just an investor of the place they got the dragons from, its stated when they were talking about it between the champions and even further back with Norbert, hagrids baby dragon

Maxime: 6, Crouch: 7, Dumbledore: 9, Bagman: 8 and Karkaroff: 10, making 40/50. Karkaroff's obvious favoritism didn't get past the audience as murmures where running through the audience at the score. I even heard people complaining that me subduing a dragon on my own got a worst score than someone who caused half the eggs to get smashed.

Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector

Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector

Book&Literature · Alexander_the_grey


Asking the truly important questions here lol

With a sigh I eyed the gathering of basically cyborg Legendary Super Saiyans and got ready to murder them all. Though a thought occurred to me, if his body is metal, why the hell are his clothes you know not...and why the hell does he have actual hair?

To Go Even Further Beyond (Dragon Ball Z)

To Go Even Further Beyond (Dragon Ball Z)

Anime & Comics · 0_Jordinio_0

Replied to MoonlitBeta

I thought he learned it from a dead metamorian in the otherworldly, not from going to the planet metamor itself ?

She would land at capsule corporation and hopefully get taken in. No, she'll definitely get taken in. The Briefs are kind people and Doc Brief would want to experiment on her and her tech. She would spend a month or two working on a gravity machine or her ship. She planned on going to planet Yardrat. Having instant transmission and the fusion dance under her belt so soon could prove to be very useful. She would return the second she completely mastered both techniques and go see her mother and brother. Maybe bring them to capsule Corp to spend some time and train with her brother. She did plan on getting some training from master Roshi, Korin and Kami before Bulma set off to find the balls. She plans on being the ace in the hole. Stepping in and easily taking out who ever became a threat in the future.

Breaking Limits: A DBZ Fan-fic

Breaking Limits: A DBZ Fan-fic

Anime & Comics · Archer_Phoenix

Replied to Monochrome_Panda

ehh that or forced loyalty, or slave labor basically, cuz of the seal on them lol.

The next person to wake up was Kidomaru, who started making a fuss as soon as he realized that Tayuya and Jirobo had betrayed Orochimaru, but calmed down rather quickly when he was told that Orochimaru left them behind without a second thought. Although he had been genuinely loyal to Orochimaru and wanted to serve him, that didn't mean he was blindly loyal to him. If Orochimaru abandoned him this easily, then he saw no point in being loyal to him.

Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]

Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]

Anime & Comics · Maerry


I dont remember if he believed the same thing in canon, but when I see it in fanfica it always confuses me how Sasuke thinks doing exactly what he's told by the man who slaughtered their clan and believes him that only a sharingan can beat another sharingan.

'This can't be. How could she possibly do this? Did she secretly use the Kyuubi's power? No, I was watching her with my Sharingan the whole time. That is impossible. How could she be stronger than me. I am an Uchiha. No one is stronger than the Uchiha. Only an Uchiha can defeat an Uchiha. The Sharingan can only be defeated by the Sharingan. That is what HE told me.'

Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]

Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]

Anime & Comics · Maerry

Replied to Kingsav_Savage

I dont remember if its canon or not but I think its said that hiruzen was in a "peace" talk with the raikage, set up so he wouldn't find out about the invasion in time which is why konoha was to late to help. could be mixing it up with ff tho but thats normally the reason I've seen.

Only now did Neji realize how outrageous the story about the destruction of the Uzumaki clan in the previous war truly was. It took the power of three great villages and catastrophic losses to take out a single clan. Could today's Hyuga clan endure the assault of even a single great village? He very much doubted that.

Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]

Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]

Anime & Comics · Maerry

Replied to Zubzas

not to mention Tsunade is basically a literal princess of the village, her grandfather. being its main founder and first Hokage, so imo its a little more reasonable if she skivs of 1% or so compared to a civilian councilor

Yuna, meanwhile, approached Tsunade's desk and started depositing scrolls on it. Each scroll had the name of one council members written on it. Although Tsunade was still skeptical, she picked up one of the scrolls and started reading through it. The more she read, the paler her face became. Multiple accounts of cheating on his wife, coercion of people of lower ranks, bribery, blackmail, fraud. Every single case had either photos or official documentation added to it, to eliminate any doubts that this was faked. She picked up the next scroll, and her expression became even worse. Tsunade planned to siphon maybe one or two percent of Konoha's funds for herself, but this person was actually claiming almost three percent for himself.

Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]

Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]

Anime & Comics · Maerry

Replied to Aoiken

she would probably add more effects to the genjutsu lol

Yuna almost spat out blood after hearing Hinata's explanation. The sentence: "The best way to get stronger is through fighting stronger opponents" certainly isn't wrong, but what kind of nutjob would do so all the time? If you push yourself during a dangerous fight it is indeed possible to break through your limit, but constantly pushing a person and expecting that person to constantly break through the limit is just insane. There are only very few people that can go through with that kind of training. They need to be 100% insane and need to have pretty much unshakable willpower. Something almost impossible to achieve. What Yuna didn't know yet, was that a certain boy currently wearing green spandex and running on his hands around Konoha, while shouting about youth, was exactly that kind of type of person.

Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]

Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]

Anime & Comics · Maerry

Replied to WeAreBlank

in this fanfic atleast haku is a female who pretends to be a dude to avoid "trouble"

Naruto, naturally, knew what Kurama meant, after all, he could feel a person on his left side as well. Naruto slowly turned his head and saw Haku lying on his left side while hugging his left arm. He blushed even harder and came closer and closer to fainting.

Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]

Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]

Anime & Comics · Maerry

Replied to Rosier

Probably Danzo, in both canon and fanfic guy always seems to be intent on destroying or weakening clans that he can't control for his own purpose

Kushina gasped. She liked to avoid conflict if possible; it was the way of the Uzumaki clan. They hated conflict so much, they turtled themselves in an island and hadn't expanded for almost their entire time there. It's one of the reasons they were so easy to exterminate. Once the secret of bypassing their sealing barriers, whirlpools, and other defenses was sold out, the enemies really only needed to seize one base. They likely would have survived if they had expanded even a little.

Naruto: The Dragon’s Successor

Naruto: The Dragon’s Successor

Anime & Comics · Falsic

Replied to Worn_out_by

you sir, also seem to have forgotten that tsunade became a literal drunk after that, im sure mistakes were made lol.

"Jiraiya and Tsunade are my parents" It was a statement and not a question, but Hiruzen nodded in confirmation. Athena was really starting to wonder about her situation. She always loved Tsunade and Jiraiya. They were two of her most loved characters, well people. She can't see any of the as characters anymore. They are people. Living people. She was now someone in the world of ninjas. She could easily die if she doesn't tread carefully. Her hand went back to her necklaces. She Toyed with them. Who gave them to her? "Who gave me my necklaces? "

The Unknown Goddess: A Naruto FanFic

The Unknown Goddess: A Naruto FanFic

Anime & Comics · Archer_Phoenix


I would be 100% sleeping too if I were these guards, after all if i lived in a world of of ninjas theres no way i would believe 2 completely visible guards are the real guards preventing people from sneaking in lol.

She wasn't aware of how long she had stood staring at the huge gate. Bright smile on her face. The realization that what was happening could actually be real was, well, it was euphoric to her. She had pinched herself multiple times to make sure she wasn't dreaming. Of course she wasn't dreaming. She had slipped off a tree branch and fell, very roughly and ungracefully, on the hard ground. If that couldn't wake her nothing could. At some point she had to tear her eyes away from the gate. It was amazing to look at, but she would prefer getting past it. With how huge the gate was the only way through was with permission. Her eyes landed on the so called guards. The smile on her face grew even more when she saw the two men. She knew them very well. Kotetsu and Izumo. The excitement that filled her upon seeing them was almost too much for her to handle. She was such a huge fan of the world she found herself in and of course huge fans of the people that inhabit it. Kotetsu and Izumo. They were well known for sleeping on the job, as they were at that very moment.

The Unknown Goddess: A Naruto FanFic

The Unknown Goddess: A Naruto FanFic

Anime & Comics · Archer_Phoenix
