I cant wait for cassie to become supreme
"If you live long enough to become Supremes yourselves one day, you'll hear it… on a quiet night, under the familiar sky, you'll hear the distant, alluring, irresistible call of that Nightmare. Its Call is another reason why we don't return to the waking world that often."
Fantasy · Guiltythree
oh no, dont tell me mordret is the goofy anvil son
The level where Anvil… the anomaly… was kept remained quiet and peaceful. Very few people were allowed access there, and usually, it was just young Lady Gwyn and a few loyal Knights keeping guard.
Fantasy · Guiltythree
but i thought you can just ask the chat
Fantasy · KangarooCruz
I am more worried about cassie
Jest wished that they never had.
Fantasy · Guiltythree
As for Kevin, he was just slightly below them, he was fast and strong, his skills were fairly interesting too, it looked like some kind of shadow manipulation.
Fantasy · Lukas142
I am still missing this novel even after more than 4 years. It is a shame the novel stop progressing, because i think it has a lot of potential. so sad
just do the revival already! you wasted almost an entire chapter just for side tracking
Michael remembered logging into the Supers Association forum for the first time and watching a Demigod Cultivator take down a hundred-meter-tall beast.
Games · _Drakon
i knew that there will be this baka skeleton in the comment!!
"That was not because I wanted to speak, just out of the goodness of my heart. Well, I don't really have a heart, but you get the meaning — I simply wanted to save a naive boy from making a terrible mistake. Because I am kind and generous."
Fantasy · Guiltythree
it’s okay G3, we need you healthy so go rest!! ;)
Shadow Slave
Fantasy · Guiltythree