world_walker - Profile



male LV 13


2018-01-11 เข้าร่วมแล้ว United States

ป้าย 8

Moments 482


so he's 4??

In the girlish-looking room, I was resting beside a girl who was roughly the same age as me and was four years old. She looked incredibly cute with her blue hair as she clutched an adorable teddy bear she was sleeping within her arms.

I Became a Scum in Depressing Game

I Became a Scum in Depressing Game

Urban · _Er


YES DO IT !!!!!!

'Surrounded by hot blondes from both sides. I guess, my luck is going pretty okay today. Maybe, I should let loose as well and release the seals that I had put on my Golden Rule ability to curb its power earlier.' I thought, wondering how long will it take for Susan to develop a crush on me if I let loose my full charm. But I ultimately decided against it since I didn't want to attract every male and female in the area to flirt with me.

Marvel: A New God's Reign

Marvel: A New God's Reign

Movies · God_Doom


he better bang her

Objectively speaking, she was absolutely right. The foundation made me lose a lot of money since it never gave any substantial returns on my investments. After all, a billion dollars was a lot for just a single building and only seven employees which also included two cleaners and an attendant. But what she didn't know was that I neither had any interest in its CEO who was by the way one of the most attractive women in Marvel comics, nor was I interested in making money through the company. What I was interested in was gaining control over the actions of a certain group of fantastic people. 

Marvel: A New God's Reign

Marvel: A New God's Reign

Movies · God_Doom



The couple appeared to have developed a deep loyalty towards me for saving them from their captivity as well as bringing Irene back to her peak from her old age, a loyalty that had even prompted them to try to get me on their bed, however, I didn't respond to their advances simply because I wasn't into sleeping with happily married couples. I preferred my wives or lovers to have a sisterly relationship with them instead of being lovers to each other. I mean I enjoyed girl-on-girl action as much as the next guy but that was only if I was present in the room having given my girls permission to indulge in the activity. yep, I was a stinking hypocrite but I was proud of it.

Marvel: A New God's Reign

Marvel: A New God's Reign

Movies · God_Doom


no he didn't

"Well, you see. When I initially established the country, I was a different person. I was more ambitious, more immature, more greedy, more selfish. I even promised all of the things that now seem stupid. Like I remember the one time I promised that I would drag out all the gods that had never listened to their woes and slaughter them. But now in hindsight, I don't even realize why I promised that. It was more than just plain stupid of me.

Marvel: A New God's Reign

Marvel: A New God's Reign

Movies · God_Doom



"I don't really have any particular goal in mind to consider talking with him. I already have the smartest person in the world on my payroll building me the first commercial spacecraft for unlocking the space mining and space tourism industries. As for his unique design of the arc reactor and his armor, they aren't anything special Zoya wouldn't be able to reverse engineer once she scans them. So I am not gonna approach him on my own." I said as I looked at the slight shining bulge on his chest.

Marvel: A New God's Reign

Marvel: A New God's Reign

Movies · God_Doom


he's more insane than the first book and that's saying something

"... Wait what?" Selene stared at me like she was having trouble processing what I was saying.

Marvel: A New God's Reign

Marvel: A New God's Reign

Movies · God_Doom


cookies 😁😎

"Then you can't blame them for not knowing you. However, you can always take some petty revenge by taking over their companies and ruining their lives." Selene went into her sadistic villain mode as she tried to lure me back to the dark side.

Marvel: A New God's Reign

Marvel: A New God's Reign

Movies · God_Doom


lame he's part human he should get the benefits of it

Also, I had tried to use stuff like serums and other artificial enhancers to increase my power but sadly my body which was stated to be a New God's didn't exactly behave like that of a human. No, it was vastly different, and rejected most of the things that I tried on myself. Hell, it even rejected vampirism, lycanthropy, and even some of the magical rituals I had tried to strengthen myself artificially. Of course, it was a good sign in a way since it meant I was immune to a lot of supernatural and scientific stuff that could mess with me but it also meant the only way I could get strong was through hard work and determination... if we didn't count the OP rewards I got every now and then after I complete quests that is.

Marvel: A New God's Reign

Marvel: A New God's Reign

Movies · God_Doom



And what does the system take from me in exchange for the power it 'gives' me you ask? The answer is my freedom, my choice to be whatever I want to be, to truly do whatever I want with my life. It didn't make me its slave or something. No, instead it is trying to shape me into what it wants me to be.

Marvel: A New God's Reign

Marvel: A New God's Reign

Movies · God_Doom


needs to do the missions but not be controlled by them or dumb about them

Most of all, the few... lovers I had gotten during this period, particularly the metahumans Jean Grey, Ororo Munroe, Selene Gallio, Gwendoline Poole, Vanessa Carlysle..., and some others were my biggest inspiration to limit and quit my system dependence and reward addiction. And yes I already have quite an amazing harem curtsey of my earlier horndog self (although I am still just as horny).

Marvel: A New God's Reign

Marvel: A New God's Reign

Movies · God_Doom



And all because of some reward that the system promised after killing each one of them. Of course, those rewards were important for my growth and survival. In fact, I do not hate my system at all, its rewards were the only reason I was still alive even after a decade of arriving at Marvel but what I am truly angry at is myself since every time I received one of those quest choices, instead of thinking about the best way to solve the problem or the most efficient way to fulfill the quest, all I used to do back then was just check the promised reward and jump straight into the fight killing everyone in my path like a real psycho maniac.

Marvel: A New God's Reign

Marvel: A New God's Reign

Movies · God_Doom


i that terminology and how accurate it is to US politics

"As much as I appreciate your recent membership into the council General Ross, I still have to remind you that this is not the army. We cannot just barge in and take whatever we want. You may ignore human rights in the experiments that you conduct secretly in the army but the general people won't. Also, even if we were to let's say try to 'free' the island from its 'dictatorship', we would still have no way actually winning in the resulting battle that ensues without suffering immensely ourselves." Fury said as he frowned at the General who was one of the very few people who did not have his face blurred on the screen.

A New God's life in Marvel (Book-1)

A New God's life in Marvel (Book-1)

Anime & Comics · God_Doom


he keeps making himself weak alot

I wanted to make everyone a New god under me but I couldn't do it at once. After making Morgana one, I would have to wait at least a month for me to go back to my previous level of strength. So I decided to slowly make the people closest to me New gods once every two or three months giving myself enough time to recharge back to my full power after every conversion.

A New God's life in Marvel (Book-1)

A New God's life in Marvel (Book-1)

Anime & Comics · God_Doom


domination is way more powerful

Also, it seems that my very first goddess was a goddess of magic. That was like fate dancing in front of my face telling me that anyone can be op except me.

A New God's life in Marvel (Book-1)

A New God's life in Marvel (Book-1)

Anime & Comics · God_Doom


and his 2 missions M

Sinister's defeat and 'his' following recruitment in Arem's faction marked a very important milestone for the New god. It not only implied that he had successfully taken care of most of the major mutant 'villains' that would have been normally a pain in his ass but also meant that he now had a scientist with a genius-level IQ as his personal researcher.

A New God's life in Marvel (Book-1)

A New God's life in Marvel (Book-1)

Anime & Comics · God_Doom


dumb just take the chip out

"Now what to do with you?" Rudeus mumbled wondering if he should kill him or not. He would have been able to place him on Rinnegan's mind-controlling genjutsu or just use telepathy to make the scientist loyal to him but because of the presence of the chip inside his brain, that would no longer be possible.

A New God's life in Marvel (Book-1)

A New God's life in Marvel (Book-1)

Anime & Comics · God_Doom


😭😭😭 no threesome with 2 storms 😭😭

" I-I canno-not die. I am supp-posed to b-be betttter..." The clone couldn't finish her thoughts as she finally ran out of breath and collapsed on the ground, already dead from the lack of oxygen.

A New God's life in Marvel (Book-1)

A New God's life in Marvel (Book-1)

Anime & Comics · God_Doom


what about his actual heavy hitters??? (copycat selene and the others??)

Exiting the portal through the other side, they saw Polaris (Lorna), Iceman (Bobby), Pyro (nobody cares), Storm (Ororo), Wolverine (Logan), Cyclops (Scott), Nightcrawler (Kurt), Shadowcat (Kitty), Colossus (Piotr) and Quicksilver (Pietro) waiting for them dressed in matching black and grey costumes with shades of red. They were looking really cool like an army of badass assassins.

A New God's life in Marvel (Book-1)

A New God's life in Marvel (Book-1)

Anime & Comics · God_Doom

Replied to John_Rex_98

it's true though

Exiting the portal through the other side, they saw Polaris (Lorna), Iceman (Bobby), Pyro (nobody cares), Storm (Ororo), Wolverine (Logan), Cyclops (Scott), Nightcrawler (Kurt), Shadowcat (Kitty), Colossus (Piotr) and Quicksilver (Pietro) waiting for them dressed in matching black and grey costumes with shades of red. They were looking really cool like an army of badass assassins.

A New God's life in Marvel (Book-1)

A New God's life in Marvel (Book-1)

Anime & Comics · God_Doom
