I totally forgot about that part. I didn't write for an extremely long time, so yea. I better add that tag. now that you mentioned it. Thanks for reviewing ;)
excitement is a good thing
you are welcome ) I'm glad people are still here
kinda better. I will try to do stuff. Antidepressants and time helps little bit. not much but enough to not die.
alive. just life is harsh. and I was bored
ok. I will finish this one and write another. my fire in my body calmed down and rational man came out.
Reader's decision ( read and comment. it's important )
Video Games · Muravey
you do understand that mc is not human, just like his race? so... emperor of humanity might not be pleased
Their genetic information was modified with better resistance to radiation, so they kinda look a little glossier then Normal.
Video Games · Muravey
Checked, there is not gender bender tag available. I don't know how to add it.
An ton's Journey ( StarCraft + other worlds)
Video Games · Muravey