I read the official Harry Potter books a long time ago, and I thought they were good, I have read this novel and I must say that it is almost on par with the books, it only needs to be finished to be the same, the character is well inserted in the story, the situations fit perfectly, it is a highly recommended book
Good, You returner
It's a good novel, the character is op from the beginning, I'm liking it, what I don't understand is that it only has one star, of course it's not a novel that you can say will make your blood boil with the action but from time to time you'll make a smile, keep it up writer [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=update][img=update]
Thx for cap [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]
Is a good novel, the history is interesting, the mc is coherent but romantic, i like a novel , please Author don't droop the novel[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=update][img=update][img=update]
I only write spanish, my inglish is very bad, my review in spanish: La novela al principio empezó un poco liosa, un personaje que no tenía una personalidad bien definida, pero al avanzar la novela se vio que mejoraba la única pega que le pongo es que ha veces te pierdes un poco con las mujeres que tiene y con los niños,cque en algunos momentos parecen un poco insertados a la fuerza. Si le tengo que poner una nota a la novela seria 9/10, siento así.
I like the history, the mc is very interesting, the 1 World is good, but the 2 World is normaly, good job, i need more cap [img=recommend][img=recommend]
I do not speak english only skpeak spanish, he leído esta novela y quitando un poco la temática, es buena, a la gente que dice que no les gusta solo puedo decir que escribir algo original es difícil, así que debemos como lectores apoyar con ideas constructivas, puedoentiendo que no puedas ver la novela que no se ajusta a tus gustos pero el escritor hace su esfuerzo y se merece nuestro apoyo[img=recommend]
The novel is good,[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]