mrcannile - Profile



male LV 14


2017-12-01 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global

ป้าย 11

Moments 101


tsun tsun :)

"Whatever..." muttered Ohta, averting his eyes before abruptly sinking into the booth via his shadow. In his wake, an awkward tension permeated the air, but only briefly as Aelius, followed soon after by Kris and Angil, arrived to join them and discuss their travel plans...

-The Path-

-The Path-

Fantasy · Einlion


having fun? :)

While the man's appearance was certainly strange, it was what he said that caused Will's brows to rise slightly, a faint, contempt-filled smile playing across his lips as he asked, "William Aladfar Oirthear...may I ask what the missing Gamma Star of House Oirthear is doing in Deisceart, of all places...?"

-The Path-

-The Path-

Fantasy · Einlion


had to ruin ohta fun huh.

"Aiden, mind if we have a chat...?" asked the voice of Aelius, prompting Ohta, who was eyeing Will performing pushups from the bed, to audibly click his tongue before disappearing into his shadow.

-The Path-

-The Path-

Fantasy · Einlion


everyone will be will.

"I'm looking forward to it..." joked Will, causing the tips of Ohta's pointed ears to tinge red before he raised his right fist and began to tremble in the precursor to an embarrassment-fueled assault...

-The Path-

-The Path-

Fantasy · Einlion


you need more luck will.

Since he wasn't in a hurry to die, Will decided to leave it and focus on the purpose of his journey, mainly finding the Desert Rose. That was arguably less important than looking into the Saighba'an and uncovering the plot of whoever was manipulating them, presumably Plænər, but Will knew better than most that, even if his situation was like something out of a novel, the only plot armor he had was his Luck stat. If not for the Talisman of Cicada Skinshed, he would already be skipping stones across Yggdrasil's pond or working on the cottage he had started with Z. Thus, as much as he would like to sabotage Plænər's plan and kick some furry goat girl butt, it wasn't even in Will's top ten in terms of personal priorities...

-The Path-

-The Path-

Fantasy · Einlion

Replied to OneMoreScore


Rolling his eyes, Will got up from the bath, stepped out of it, and used Aura to dry himself before peeling away his clothes. Ohta stared at him nearly the entire time, but since he had already resolved to see things through to the end, he ignored the diminutive Demon's gaze and stripped down to his birthday suit. Then, once again thinking back to the days he spent with Arusha, he helped Ohta wash his back, sides, shoulders, and hair while doing his best to avoid grazing any potentially sensitive areas. Despite this, Ohta's body radiated enough heat to rival a furnace by the time he was finished, causing the room to become progressively steamy as the surrounding water evaporated and a tiny horn protruded from the right side of his scalp...

-The Path-

-The Path-

Fantasy · Einlion


and they keep falling deeper. :)

"You better not try anything..." muttered Ohta, averting his eyes before placing his hand in Will's. He didn't appreciate how the latter pulled him closer and then casually picked him by his sides, but when Will set him down in his lap and wrapped his arms around him, Ohta's cheeks flushed, and not a peep escaped his throat.

-The Path-

-The Path-

Fantasy · Einlion


well that's not good.

"Well, that wasn't very..." started Will, but he stopped himself when he sat up and saw Ohta sitting before him in a w-sitting posture, eyes puffy and an enraged, pouty expression adorning his face. Far more notably, though it took Will a few seconds to notice, his left arm was missing, replaced by a shadowy appendage...

-The Path-

-The Path-

Fantasy · Einlion



Though it probably didn't appreciate being held by its horn, the monster, which Will recognized as a Horned Oryc, calmed down and stared at him with its bright pink eyes and nose twitching.

-The Path-

-The Path-

Fantasy · Einlion


no problem bra.

(A/N: I have finished taking care of most of the stuff I needed to follow my father's funeral. I can't promise daily chapters just yet, but I will work to increase the number of releases over time, hopefully to two per day.)

-The Path-

-The Path-

Fantasy · Einlion


the true grind begins.

'How much Agility and Dexterity do I need to possess power like that?' Will wondered, the smile on his face broadening as he stared down at his open palms and formed them into trembling fists. He didn't regard himself as someone who was obsessed with gaining power, but after witnessing a power beyond his comprehension, he experienced an overwhelming urge to want to know more...

-The Path-

-The Path-

Fantasy · Einlion


battle junkie moment.

"An attack that slices through everything before the inciting movement can be perceived...could it really have been a faster-than-light attack...?" Will asked himself, an excited faint smile developing across his face at the realization that such a was actually possible. There were plenty of stories claiming that Braves could deflect and even redirect beams of light, but it was one thing to hear about faster-than-light reaction speeds and seeing someone genuinely move faster than light. Reason told him that the air in the corridor should have ignited and that everything in the vicinity should have been atomized, including the Saighba'an, but that didn't prevent the peculiar creature from completely disregarding conventional laws to strike with such speed her action appeared to occur after her attack, almost like it had traveled back in time...

-The Path-

-The Path-

Fantasy · Einlion
