Who the fuck cares about randos? Write what you want lol.
1. whether to continue my original plot.
Book&Literature · book_paradise
Branch Family members have to use their literal bodies to grow the Chakra Tree; they are a living sacrifice. She didn't want to die, so she betrayed her partner and used his body to grow the tree, and used the fruit to be powerful enough to protect herself. Simple as that.
Her species were parasites that drained Chakra from planets. She betrayed them for some reason, Saiken didn't know why, only that she abandoned her old ways and instead protected earth.
Anime & Comics · ValeronWriter
ride or die. She's a good one.
Raya's glare was sharp. "And what makes you think I care about safety? I chose to follow you, Aeron. Not because I had to, but because I wanted to."
Anime & Comics · FrenzyAren
Like Katana is Sword, Shogi is literally Chess.
With that time, it would be more interesting to play more games of chess.
Anime & Comics · Alex_002
It's a stolen work lol. There's links to buy copies of PDFs in some of the chapters.
WTF, did we just skip Naboo arc?
With the crisis on Naboo resolved and the Trade Federation routed, Anakin stood with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan at the Naboo victory celebration. The Jedi Masters had presented their findings to the Council, securing their agreement for Anakin's formal training. But as the boy scanned the assembled dignitaries, his eyes fell on a figure who stirred memories of fury and betrayal.
Movies · WRizz1
She's going for the 4th harem spot lol
Yoimiya and Ren on the other.
Video Games · WiseTL
"I was joking."
Video Games · WiseTL
STOP replacing chapters. It removes the links in people's libraries.
Phantom Behind Harry
Book&Literature · book_paradise
goood. goood. goood. goood. goood. goood. goood. goood. goood. goood. goood. goood. goood. goood. goood. goood. goood. goood. goood. goood. goood. goood. goood. goood. goood. goood. goood.
Mash-Up Anime World: Anything for Money
Anime & Comics · Halflings