

LV 5


2017-11-14 เข้าร่วมแล้ว United States
ป้าย 7

Moments 94
2 years ago
Replied to Aristocrat613

I have an old set of drawers that had.a. mirror on it that was next to my bed. Mirror is currently sitting behind it now. Got tired of risking breaking it everytime I reorginized my room

Puzzled, Shi Yu's gaze quickly swept across the room before finally stopping on a mirror by the bed.

Unscientific Beast Taming

Unscientific Beast Taming

Eastern · Sounding Stream

2 years ago

Yeah the entire screaming attack names is annoying. Well maybe not magic spell names/chants... I just never understood where it am started with attack names being said everywhere... I blame wuxia/xanxia stories and mangas.

"I only know some concepts of basic alchemy magecraft that Merlin taught me, not to mention I don't know how to fight at all" Kuroneko said in an annoyed tone since she couldn't help much, after all, it was the dream of every otaku to do flashy techniques while screaming their name! Not to mention using magic!

Fate/Stay At Home

Fate/Stay At Home

Anime & Comics · Heartless1190

2 years ago
Replied to Razish


"Should I retort to this? The Gallstones became a Chinese medicine? Okay, it's a game so I guess I'll allow it… For now…" As expected of a fantasy themed game. So illogical.

Becoming The Admin Of A Dimensional Chuunibyo Chat Group Isn't Easy!

Becoming The Admin Of A Dimensional Chuunibyo Chat Group Isn't Easy!

Others · JadePanda003

2 years ago
Replied to Dissapointed_One

Isn't Ash still like 10 years old?

※ This is the real start of the story. I want to go slow and steady so there won't be any major time skips like this. I skipped it since I tend to go into a really long tangent whenever I try to write a story starting from when the MC was a kid. I still remember how my MC is still a seven or eight years old kid when I was already 18 chapters in.

Becoming The Admin Of A Dimensional Chuunibyo Chat Group Isn't Easy!

Becoming The Admin Of A Dimensional Chuunibyo Chat Group Isn't Easy!

Others · JadePanda003

2 years ago

Why would they be looking at him anyway? Isn't he supposed to be at home in his room???

The uncomfortable feeling disappeared in a flash. Immediately after, a huge amount of spiritual energy surged into his body, like the warm sun in winter. At this moment, Lin Bai's entire body was emitting a brilliant divine glow, causing people to not dare to look at him directly.

Imparting My Cultivation To Beasts Gets Me 10,000X In Return!

Imparting My Cultivation To Beasts Gets Me 10,000X In Return!

Eastern · Juju Lost in the Fog

2 years ago
Replied to FluffiaBeard

I think the author forgot about the 80k that was left from buying the pet egg in the beginning.

After buying it, there was still half of the money left. Lin Bai was not in a hurry to go home and continued shopping.

Imparting My Cultivation To Beasts Gets Me 10,000X In Return!

Imparting My Cultivation To Beasts Gets Me 10,000X In Return!

Eastern · Juju Lost in the Fog

2 years ago
Replied to FreeER_atubeacct

It could happen! Stuff like that magically happens in Chinese novels. Just like how apocalypse novels cause over 99 percent loss of human life and all the food everywhere disappears. Then somehow the mc keeps running into groups of people and for some insane reason randomly starts finding food and somehow manages to run out even though it should last months and months.

However, Mas did not eat the food that the servants had sent in. If Belek had drugged the food and wanted to kill him, that would be too bad for him.

Me! The Strongest Alchemist!

Me! The Strongest Alchemist!

Fantasy · Blood of Sinners

2 years ago
Replied to Sythcake

Maybe it's just harder to be a high level mage??? Let's wait and see if higher level classes start popping like popcorn.

It was rumored that Sha You's strange illnesses was caused by a Level 6 assassin that Belek hired to poison her food!

Me! The Strongest Alchemist!

Me! The Strongest Alchemist!

Fantasy · Blood of Sinners

2 years ago
Replied to Raron

If they do exist. They are probably going to take your money first then treat you like a villain!

2 years ago
Replied to Kurdi123

Because he is an overachiever!!! Follow the directions? Let's toss the wrong items in because they are close enough!!!

After searching for half a day, Mas finally found an expensive five-star magic crystal in a corner and carefully took it out.

Me! The Strongest Alchemist!

Me! The Strongest Alchemist!

Fantasy · Blood of Sinners