if you want to become strong you have to take risk.
Sci-fi · Tian Xia Piao Huo
Bensons & Hedges
Xia Fei picked up one cigarette and lit it up himself while responding, "I can't do anything about it. I am already used to it after smoking for so many years. I can't change it even if I want to."
Sci-fi · 9 lightyears per second
yeah i am also a smoker i smoke only B&S
Xia Fei picked up one cigarette and lit it up himself while responding, "I can't do anything about it. I am already used to it after smoking for so many years. I can't change it even if I want to."
Sci-fi · 9 lightyears per second
OH !ho.. look some horny people here.
if you rewatch and read OPM than you'll see everything same .Here the difference New World,Kid Saitama.
"It's All Might's power! With one hit, he defeated the villain!"
Anime & Comics · Suploly
I hate ATG because of harem.Not only ATG all harem story f**k .Why the hell mc have to surround with girls if all harem author call mc man fucking bullshit than in this world are we not man . I am giving it 5star because of author creation and I don't even read single Chapter.I am writing this review because i am frustrated can't find any non harem ATG fanfic.
man you are very realistic person fiction is not for you.
I learned that my mother is the sister of Rei Todoroki. Wife of the No. 2 hero. So Shoto is my cousin, but nothing is known about them. Mom worries about her because she was pregnant again. However, contact between them is not possible because of her husband. I'll have to free my aunts from this monster when I grow up.
Anime & Comics · Kriuswer
those kids are fighting enemy 😂 man what did we do on their age playing video games watching anime.they even training to get stronger.they even fighting older guys bro they don't have any manners they are beating older guys even though they are bad guys we should respect older people. don't judge anyone in this world no one can judge . Because no one perfect.We have only one judge that is God.
I learned that my mother is the sister of Rei Todoroki. Wife of the No. 2 hero. So Shoto is my cousin, but nothing is known about them. Mom worries about her because she was pregnant again. However, contact between them is not possible because of her husband. I'll have to free my aunts from this monster when I grow up.
Anime & Comics · Kriuswer
it's a fantasy and supernatural world .So you can't make decision of child abuse by our law and your perspective.In our country if children do something wrong our parents beat us you can't make this child abuse.
I learned that my mother is the sister of Rei Todoroki. Wife of the No. 2 hero. So Shoto is my cousin, but nothing is known about them. Mom worries about her because she was pregnant again. However, contact between them is not possible because of her husband. I'll have to free my aunts from this monster when I grow up.
Anime & Comics · Kriuswer
i did give the story high ratings 3 years ago.So i don't remember why i did that.
Naruto: Dream to Immortality (COMPLETED)
Anime & Comics · HolyJoker