TigerTail - Profile


male LV 14

life is hard

2017-06-27 เข้าร่วมแล้ว United Kingdom

ป้าย 12

Moments 119


There's no party like a diddy party

Lucas just smiled half-heartedly. "To be honest, I don't really like these Hollywood parties, but I guess there's no harm in attending this one."

Tycoon Actor in Hollywood

Tycoon Actor in Hollywood

Movies · NewComer714


Brudda your 11 why do you care what he's doing

"Any news about Magneto? Could he be involved in this?" Theon pressed further.

In Marvel with the Force?

In Marvel with the Force?

Movies · Evandar

Replied to Guardian_Of_Nexus

No harem


I felt like this lie was unnecessary

I replied to my father, "Yeah, I ran into Tony, and we had a chat, he's nice." But the truth was, I didn't find Tony very appealing because of his personality, and there was also the age gap to consider. It felt like we were quite different in that department, and I wasn't sure if we could truly be friends. Our personalities clashed in some ways, and it made me question if a genuine friendship could ever blossom between us.

Marvel : The Darkest Knight

Marvel : The Darkest Knight

Anime & Comics · NotCow


Probably gets that from Batman

(AN: For those of you who are confused by Zephyr's attitude, allow me to explain. Most smart people tend to be control freaks or have an innate need to feel in control. So far, everything that's happened, Zephyr knows due to his previous knowledge so he can easily control the direction of things to go in the direction he wants so a sudden change, no matter how small, like suddenly changing houses, makes him feel like he's losing control, hence his reaction.)

Modern Family: Gacha

Modern Family: Gacha

TV · N_R_U


Why are you desperate to catch up to ash ?

He wished he'd had more time to prepare Sylveon for this, but he was racing against the clock to catch up to Ash in badges. Still, neither he nor Sylveon seemed overly concerned.

Pokemon Efficient Master (EM)

Pokemon Efficient Master (EM)

Book&Literature · Basso2142


Rah you couldn’t even wait

He tidies his room quickly and leaves a note for his mother on the kitchen table. He assures her that he'll call within a couple of days upon reaching Viridian City. He also provides his Pokedex ID so she can keep track of his whereabouts via the Ranger Tracking System. This is a tech solution designed to help trainers in the wild call for help, with rangers dispatched immediately to their location if needed.

Pokemon Efficient Master (EM)

Pokemon Efficient Master (EM)

Book&Literature · Basso2142


Told him you powers and your name but didn’t bother ask Batman the same thing 🤦‍♂️

"Alright, no more games. I'll tell you my abilities, but going in depth will have to wait until there's more trust between us. For now, let's just say I can use a unique kind of magic, And hope to use them to help people. As for my identity, my name is... Eli Adler, but I doubt you'll find any information about me." 

DC/Young Justice: FATE

DC/Young Justice: FATE

Anime & Comics · a_BMO

Replied to Ekozera

Take that back 😭

AN - I'm sadly a Man Utd Fan too, but since this story has nothing to do with Football. We'll leave the sorry state of my club out of the discussions, Thank You!

Harry Potter: An SI's Story

Harry Potter: An SI's Story

Book&Literature · WN_LightNovels


If this is true I'll drop it

Riko Yuuki (Male turn female and Yes, he got gender bend )

Victorious Fighter!

Victorious Fighter!

Anime & Comics · Try_hard


How do you know?

However, the real world didn't adhere to the scripted cadence of an anime or novel, where the timeline could be molded at the author's will.

Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

Anime & Comics · Leonzky


That's what she said

[Zen Focus: It's not about the size, it's about how you use it.]

HP: The Arcane Thief

HP: The Arcane Thief

Book&Literature · Snollygoster


Child bride?

However, Karin had a clear path for future development and had one of the most complete bloodlines in the Uzumaki clan. With these conditions he could afford to wait and cultivate his wife himself. 

Revival of Uchiha, Starting with a Harem

Revival of Uchiha, Starting with a Harem

Anime & Comics · TitoVillar


No way someone can be that stupid

"What's Germany again?", Ronnie asked, scratching his chin, "Is it food or something?". 

Modern Family: Gacha

Modern Family: Gacha

TV · N_R_U


So salty 😭😭😭

"Boss, why don't you hire a mutant bodyguard instead of a regular person like me? It would provide you with more safety and reduce the burden on you," Happy explained. He spoke with a hint of sarcasm and an accusation in his tone, although he acknowledged the truth in Tony's earlier statement.

Unleashing Marvelous Might: Whitebeard's Abilities in Marvel Universe

Unleashing Marvelous Might: Whitebeard's Abilities in Marvel Universe

Movies · Story_Teller_229



"Scott, you're a great guy," she began. "And I appreciate your feelings, but I think it's best if we just stay friends. I hope you understand."

Unleashing Marvelous Might: Whitebeard's Abilities in Marvel Universe

Unleashing Marvelous Might: Whitebeard's Abilities in Marvel Universe

Movies · Story_Teller_229
