I liked the story so far and it was written well. So here‘s the question => Did you drop it ?
Where is this from ?
His golden hair turned silver, his purple eyes became crimson, his face pale, and six wings sprouted from his back, exuding a cold, dark aura.
Anime & Comics · Rashta
He should have had Kagami‘s eye at that time since he used Izanagi in the fight against Shisui
She could see that her grandfather's cells were used in making the arm, and before Hiruzen could stop her, Tsunade tore off the arm from Danzo's hand.
Anime & Comics · Kaoski
Let’s see how it develops
The story definitely has potential but it would be easier to say more or make a better review with more chapters
He seem‘s too strong for me also why did Kaido locked him up for such a long time without anyone visiting or releasing him ? Also I personally think it would complicate things if Kaido died now
Anime & Comics · truepowerscaler1
I find your story worthwhile reading although their aren’t that many chapters till know. Still I would like to ask a few plotholes as Yamato should be nearly 10 years older then Nami from canon. So did they timettraveled or how can they be as it sounds in the story be nearly the same age. Also what happened to her Devil Fruit - did she eat it ?
„… he fought...“
Once in a practical class, he fight against Uchiha Yuki.
Anime & Comics · Lessa_Grace
„… his brotherhood.“ right ?
„…someone his age“ not get
While Thane was prideful, he wasn't arrogant, which was an important distinction to make when considering his magical prowess. If Thane was arrogant, he would have assumed that because of the unique and potent nature of his soul, he was invincible. But he wasn't. Thane understood that while he possessed an immense amount of magical potential and ten times the mana someone his get should possess, he could still get his ass handed to him.
Last of The Fae
Book&Literature · Black_Paladyn