Normally, I can't stand reading an OC insert, but the way the game system delivers little hints makes it far more bearable. In that, it reminds me of Lord Roustabout's Brockton's Celestial Forge. While the Mc is played as dense for humor, they do tend to at least realize in hindsight the implications of their interactions quickly enough, making it easily bearable. The gamer system had also been reduced to only the most approachable aspects it is known for. As of chapter 5, I've been enjoying what content there is and genuinely look forward to updates.
I'll read whatever you end up writing but neither of the two seem that interesting apart from being about the first time you are using an old world fantasy setting. I would like to see you write using a druid-like powerset actually. Maybe stranded on ff7?
huh I remember Doctor Who said that second line also
"Waller ark in this story brings up two of my favorite sayings: 1- the road to hell is paved with good intentions. 2- good men don't need rules, pray you don't find out why I have so many."
Anime & Comics · Wicked132
think hosting a live auction with sufficient evidence using some bodies could cause the war to screech to a halt at least temporarily?
What would you guys use a bunch of dead alien bodies for?
Video Games · JManM
nice! I appreciate that their is actually consequences and retaliation for the actions of the MC. Can we get some interludes for other pov? These last 3 or 4 chapters seem a little disjointed. In a way it reminds me of of the montage at the beginning of the game.
Sort of, the MC'S had a very strange response to the armed riders and Lord Stark's group. Ask yourself, would you ever let a group encircle you with spears if you had a better option? If you have a short tower with one entrance would you ever think you would rather face a group of aggressive riders out side of it? Would that even cross your mind?
toads they have a full system for attempting to gain sage mode. I think they also helped seal the rabbit goddess originally, right?
I can't relate. It's very difficult for me to get into other games after dark souls.
It was like playing a game on easy mode, after playing Dark Soul for hours.
Anime & Comics · CORNBRINGER
I hate this bike, always popping up when you search anything with r-18.
I smiled as I felt the breeze hit my face. I was riding my brand new BMW R-18 bike on the outskirts of Gotham past the Trigate bridge with no particular purpose in mind other than enjoying myself after I finished my training for the day.
Anime & Comics · Wicked132
He said the epicenter, meaning the point between the 4 center placements of the board, meaning it's not an actual allowed move. Basically, he is breaking the rules, implying the MC is an outside context problem the Vandel could not foresee.
"You've underestimated the complexity of the game too much, old friend," Lex murmured to himself, a smirk playing on his lips. "A single piece has escaped your notice..."
DC: System Shock (COMPLETED)
Anime & Comics · Wicked132