Darkanlan - Profile



male LV 11


2017-04-10 เข้าร่วมแล้ว United States

ป้าย 8

Moments 3514

Replied to LiuTianLonf

Sometimes you need to know when to get rid of a problem. Kodlak not only cucked his brother, but also the new king. That boy is going to die, just better to do it before everyone else finds out about his indiscretions. Not to mention how many kids Jorah has. Losing an idiot wouldn't hurt him, it'd likely aid him. So long as he sets him up to die in a way that benefits him. Like the previous three eyed raven did.

Ulfric found this suspicious, but Galmar gratefully accepted the honor of being the new step father to Kodlak's son back on Bear Island, and promised that his wife would now know the touch of a real man. It wasn't till after Kodlak donned the white cloak that Ulfric realized what drove this. He caught a single darkly passionate gaze shared between his now sworn celibate brother and his soon to be queen, and the oldest brother knew that the wolf bitch was sowing the seeds of the next war for the Iron Throne. 

Game of Thrones: Path of the Hungry Bear

Game of Thrones: Path of the Hungry Bear

Book&Literature · JManM

Replied to Morticus

That's no longer a gun though. It's a magic weapon.

As for Heavy Silver he earned from the trait, Ja Sun didn't have any plans to use it now. Once his smithing and array capabilities rise with his cultivation, he may as well start producing dangerous firearms for fun. Close combating is always thrilling but the excitement of bringing a gun to a fistfight is to the level of euphoria.

Quest Maker of Soul Land

Quest Maker of Soul Land

Book&Literature · FanHarem

Replied to LanceyJun

No wonder that cat is so fat.

In this room that I found myself in, there was nothing but a pile of straw, a bowl of clearly dirty water, and what seemed to be a few pieces of…bread? Though with the mold that was on it, it was more fitting to call it a piece of mold than a piece of bread.

Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Fantasy · DXHaseoXD

Replied to frankaster

That'd require him to like the family. Considering he enjoyed watching the guy suicide I don't see that happening.

In the future when these people feel the great sorrow, despair, and misery this world so readily hands out, when all is regret and pain, when they know it will never change and hate themselves for it, I want them to think back on this tournament, and the Whents, and know deep in their hearts… It can always be worse. 

Game of Thrones: Path of the Hungry Bear

Game of Thrones: Path of the Hungry Bear

Book&Literature · JManM

Replied to Daoist8sLX7y

So no one that could be a heir. That's one house ended before the battles even begin then.

In the future when these people feel the great sorrow, despair, and misery this world so readily hands out, when all is regret and pain, when they know it will never change and hate themselves for it, I want them to think back on this tournament, and the Whents, and know deep in their hearts… It can always be worse. 

Game of Thrones: Path of the Hungry Bear

Game of Thrones: Path of the Hungry Bear

Book&Literature · JManM

Replied to timo_werner

More so in bronze age, but during medieval times during the dark ages it was might makes right and the church just happened to be the strongest at the time. It's why so many countries were forced into Christianity at sword point. People were massacred until what was left would kneel and obey.

As his eyes fell upon the cursed felling axe whose runes glowed the same color as his father's eyes, he felt pity for the men to die on the morrow to further feed his father's unending appetite for glory. For fun. Those men would die for his father's fun. 

Game of Thrones: Path of the Hungry Bear

Game of Thrones: Path of the Hungry Bear

Book&Literature · JManM


Aside from his wife, are there any Whents left? I mean his daughter is a concubine now. Did he have any other kids aside from the sons that just died?

In the future when these people feel the great sorrow, despair, and misery this world so readily hands out, when all is regret and pain, when they know it will never change and hate themselves for it, I want them to think back on this tournament, and the Whents, and know deep in their hearts… It can always be worse. 

Game of Thrones: Path of the Hungry Bear

Game of Thrones: Path of the Hungry Bear

Book&Literature · JManM


It's that level of intelligence that cost him his home in the first place.

With the names and images of his wife and daughter in his mind, the former of which was killed years ago, while the latter was currently living in hiding, the man hopped furiously towards the castle in the hopes of killing Doflamingo and ending his reign on Dressrosa for good!

God succession system

God succession system

Others · Harry_Dresden
